User:Nadiezda Fernandez-Oropeza/Notebook/Notebook/2010/11/03

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  • This entry contains some corrections to mistakes that I keep on repeating. Some of them are conceptual; some others are just have to do with pronunciation or vocabulary.


Hygroscopy is the ability of a substance to attract water molecules from the surrounding environment through either absorption or adsorption.

Hygroscopic substances include sugar, honey, glycerol, ethanol, methanol, diesel fuel, sulfuric acid, methamphetamine, many salts, and a huge variety of other substances.

Zinc chloride and calcium chloride, as well as potassium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide (and many different salts) are so hygroscopic that they readily dissolve in the water they absorb: this property is called deliquescence.

“Hydroscopy” does not exist in the dictionary.

A chelator is an organic chemical that bonds with and removes free metal ions from solutions.


They are not called spatulas, they are called spoonulas.


One says “wetting the tip,” not “washing the tip.”


Glycerol is pronounced \’gli-sə-,rȯl,-rōl\