User:Melvin Colorado Escobar/Notebook/581/2014/09/19

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  1. Start Analysis on pXRD spectra
  2. new PVA and 10% PVA-clay synthesis
  3. set up new experiments with PVA and PVA-clay films soaking in Arsenic (As) and Mercury (Hg) each with 150ppm, 100ppm, 50ppm


Synthesis of new films

Synthesis is the same that was used on August 26th, 2014

  • 10% PVA-Clay film

1.0037g PVA and 0.1099g NaMT clay

  • PVA film

0.9998g PVA

PVA and PVA-clay in Hg and As

Mass of films in each vial

Vial # Label weight of vial and cap (g) weight of vial, cap and film (g) weight of film (g)
1 PVA As 150ppm 16.4088 16.4996 0.0908
2 PVA As 100ppm 16.4369 16.5723 0.1354
3 PVA As 50ppm 16.4005 16.4869 0.0864
4 PVA Hg 150ppm 16.3721 16.4803 0.1082
5 PVA Hg 100 ppm 16.4145 16.5322 0.1177
6 PVA Hg 50 ppm 16.3643 16.489 0.1247
7 PVAC As 150ppm 16.3489 16.4425 0.0936
8 PVAC As 100ppm 16.4603 16.6209 0.1606
9 PVACAs 50ppm 16.4595 16.5439 0.0844
10 PVAC Hg 150 ppm 16.4208 16.5772 0.1564
11 PVAC Hg 100 ppm 16.4624 16.6448 0.1824
12 PVAC HG 50 ppm 16.3429 16.4028 0.0599

Table of Solution Preparation

Stock Solution (M) 0.0499
As stock solution (ppm) 3738.61
As 150ppm solution 4mL stock in 100mL
As 100ppm Solution 2.76mL stock in 100mL
As 50ppm solution 1.32mL stock in 100mL
Hg stock solution (ppm) 268
Hg 150ppm solution 13.99mL stock in 25mL
Hg 100ppm solution 9.32mL stock in 25mL
Hg 50ppm solution 4.66mL stock in 25mL

PVA-Clay Cation Exchange

  1. After centrifugation the clay was laid out on a watch glass and dried
  2. The dried clay was removed from glass and crushed using a mortar and pestle
  3. It was then transferred into a scintillation vial and massed 1.0484g of NaMT cation exchange powder
  4. The vial was placed into a oven in order to remove any excess hydrate


XRD analysis of PVA film soaked in 80ppm Malachite Green