User:Manu Forero-Shelton

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Contact Info

Manu Forero-Shelton (an artistic interpretation)

Manu Forero Shelton
University of the Andes
Carrera 1 N° 18A - 12
Biophysics Lab, IP405
Bogotá, Colombia, South America
Email me through OpenWetWare

I work in the Biophysics lab at Uniandes.


  • 2007, PhD, ETH Zurich
  • 2004, MS,Physics, University of Washington
  • 1999, BA, Physics, U.C. Berkeley
  • 1999, BA, Applied Mathematics, U.C. Berkeley

Research interests

  1. Cell Mechanics and Adhesion
  2. Light Sheet Microscopy
  3. Low cost science education resources
  4. Low cost microscopy and instrumentation


Check the papers in my profiles:

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