User:Jessie Wang Lectures Mod1

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Home        About Me        20.109        Lecture Notes        Assignments        Module 3

Lecture 0: Intro to 20.109 (9/6)

Lecture 1: Intro to Genome Engineering (9/11)

Lecture 2: Genes as Parts (9/13)

Lecture 3: Synthetic Biology (9/18)

Genetic Engineering vs. Synthetic Biology

Genetic Engineering Tools:
1. rDNA (1970s) - cut and paste pre-existing DNA fragments
2. PCR (1985) - amplify and modify exiting DNA
3. Sequencing (1977) - read DNA into A,T,C,G

Synthetic Biology:
4. Automated Construction (2004) - DNA synthesis (1987)
5. Standards (2001)
6. Abstraction (2003)

Functional Composition

Switch - bistable

GDP - | G-Protein | <--> GTP - | G-Protein |


  • Ribozyme
  • Aptamer
  • Computation Domain

Physical Composition


Lecture 4


  • Phosphoramidites - (A,T,C,G)
    • Came from salmon milt.
    • 10 g x 1 mol/1000 g x 6E23 molecules/mol = 6 x 10^21 molecules of a particular base
    • 10^10 people/Earth x 10^10 bp/person = 10^20 bp/Earth
  • DNA synthesis
  1. Deprotect
  2. Coupling
  3. Oxidation
  4. Capping
