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  • Ideas for OWW development projects
  • username conflict problem (Austin's solution seems to be the most comprehensive but also the most difficult to implement)
  • stop sending bounces to return address provided by spammers (accept only outside mail for local delivery and only local mail for outside delivery?)
  • filter out http 200 and 404 entries logwatch reports
  • install openldap
  • follow up openwetware hostname alias transfer to model (
  • Add vhost directives to Apache logs to distinguish traffic among the sites
  • Eventum
  • RSS feeds in wiki extension
  • Embed PHPBB
  • Semantic mediawiki - installed on test (see Austin's email for details)
  • Move pheromone wiki to rackspace server:
    • user accounts - openid
    • delete spammers' user accounts
    • <Googlesearchheader>
  • try Drupal, see CMS
  • try Pligg - an open source social networking content management system (CMS). It combines social bookmarking, bloggin, syndication and a democratic editorial system that enables users to collaboratively submit and promote articles
  • stop rotation of OWW access logs (make a script to archive the logs before they are rotated?)
  • enable rsync over SSH for off-site backups
  • graph of connections among pages on the wiki
  • citation box - a form to fill out (publication name, first author, date, etc) to help users cite materials outside Pubmed; examples on Wikipedia?
  • IRC backend (like #bioinformatics channel on IRC) or Jabber service (via GTalk or own server).
  • Create SPF record
  • add a "join oww" button in the bottom left column of each OWW page. below the "cite this article" stuff (and, do we need *all* of this stuff?) (via Drew)
  • Under preferences, the state is locked in to the states of the USA. Need to add a blank option as a default for other countries. (via Marcus McHale)
  • develop a simple, easy-to-use tool that makes it easier for OWW users to create and organize links and linkages within the family of OWW pages, and to linker-defined elements within pages. (via Drew)
  • consider if and how to expand the "what links here" feature, as this can form the basis of symmetric relationships (could we pull off a page-rank like hack in organizing this stuff?) (via Drew)

Backscatter email

A range of techniques can be used by servers to reject during the initial SMTP connection:

  • Recipient validation
  • SPF checks
  • Reject email from servers senders that do not have a reverse DNS entry
  • Reject senders on dynamic black lists

Add new page

  • RISDpedia
    • We might consider having something like the "add a page" for protocols. Would be particularly useful if it could check for 'similar' pages. E.g. you want to add a protocol for "Miller Assay" and it finds the OWW page and suggests you add your variant there. this would help to rally people around sharing/improving the same protocol page. (via Jason)


  • one common room with many private ones vs room per page? (need IRC/jabber server plus a front end that integrates with wiki - makes logs accessible from within the wiki for easy searching)
  • the front page could display the users currently in chat, which would make going there more enticing (TK)
  • good help page for jabber service
  • JWChat is a full featured, web-based Jabber™ client. Written using AJAX technology it relies on JavaScript and HTML at the client-side only.


  • The DOI system was established to provide persistent identifiers for digital content because URLs were "never meant to be an identifier but only to designate the location of objects" ( In other words, DOIs were designed to be generic enough so that they could be used on top of any system, including but not limited to DNS/Internet. The DOI system provides a level of indirection between the identifier and the object it identifies. This is very useful for keeping URLs current - when location of an object changes, you just need to update the URL associated with the object's DOI.
  • Besides resolution services, the DOI proxies/resolvers (which are operated by the Registration Agencies and are currently web-based) also maintain some structured metadata (like author, date, title, etc) for every object. This is useful for more efficient searching, for example.
  • To be confirmed. DNS is hierarchical: one needs only to register a domain name and then can have unlimited number of subdomains. DOI systems is flat, so each DOI (suffix) needs to be registered with the system, even if one owns a prefix.


  • Problem: new blog notifications are sent to For example:
New blog created by admin\n\nAddress:\nName: Outside The Box



  • Implement a viral system that would allow existing users to give accounts to others but with a limit - like GMail used to have. For example, if I'm a user, I have five pre-approved accounts to give out and so would each of those five, etc.

Use cases

From account applications

  • Establish a webpage for tracking the most recent updates of journal publications in micro/nanofluidics (Xiangchun Xuan)
  • cannot contribute directly to the competition/competitors, but am looking for ways to be in the loop (Jahnavi Chandra Prasad)

From feedback form

References or a publication done using the protocol would be nice. It would give further context to the protocol.