User:Dominique Brager/Notebook/481 Notebook/2017/02/15

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  • Make 40% Beads
  • Filter All Beads for drying
  • Vacuum Filtrate and grind up 25% and 40% yellow beads
  • Sieve dried yellow beads


  • 40% Beads: Used procedure from first day
  • 2.5g PVOH, 54 mL bentonite solution, 26mL water, 30mL HCl
  • Do two rounds of 150mL ethyl acetate (half of bead solution in one)
  • For each round put in 1.5mL glutaraldehyde twice (6mL total)
  • Yellow Beads
  • Vacuum Filtrated 25% and 40% beads.
  • 25% Beads: 1.2262g
  • 40% Beads: 1.8708g
  • Ground beads using mortal and pestle
  • Left to dry overnight
  • Vacuum Filtrated New Beads
  • Placed on watch-glass to dry


  • Calculated Swelling using masses right after freeze drying and 'wet' masses after letting them sit in ethyl acetate/water solution for a week and then vacuum filtrating. Swelling % = (wet-dry)/dry
  • 10%: 60.9%
  • 25%: 21.8%
  • 40%: 66.6%


  • Cabbage Dye is natural and therefore susceptible to mold and to going bad
  • Cabbage left in drawer and not refrigerated went bad and changed colors.
  • Will have to make new dye and keep it in fridge this time.
  • Any experiments using dye will have to be done earlier rather than later to avoid dye going bad.