Undergraduate BE Board
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Welcome to the Undergraduate BE Board's <wikionly>wiki</wikionly><nonwikionly>website.</nonwikionly>. We represent the undergraduate students of Biological Engineering at MIT. |
ActivitiesAcademic events
Discussion Forum Course 20 Restricted Electives Guide |
Outreach |
Upcoming Events
IBE Regional Conference Information
- Just posted: Course 20 Restricted Electives Guide
- If you're interested in getting involved with the BE undergrad board, email us at busybeboard AT mit.edu
Goals of the Undergraduate BE Board
- To represent the undergraduate's interests to the BE faculty
- To create a community of students within the major
- To organize social and academic events for BE undergrads
- To identify and disseminate resources for choosing courses, finding UROPs, and learning about life (careers/grad school/med school) after MIT