Undergraduate BE Board:Academic events
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Undergraduate Specific Events
- Next term (Spring '08):
- Have a few first year grad students attend an informal dinner and speak about grad school - the application process, deciding on what schools to apply to/visit/accept, etc [no faculty speaking, just 1st year grad students]
- Have seniors present their experiences as pioneers in the BE major
- Other possibilities:
- Industry Seminars for Undergrads
- Applying to Grad School/Med School
Departmental Seminar Series
Each semester, the Biological Engineering Department invites speakers from around the country to talk at the weekly seminar series. This is a great opportunity to meet professors from other institutions and acquired a broader perspective on the types of research and approaches within the realm of biological engineering.
Industrial Seminar Series
These seminars are organized by the Graduate Student Board and occur once a month. The speakers typically work for biotechnology firms or have a new perspective on biological engineering.