- A.F. Lima, G. May, J. Díaz-Colunga, S. Pedreiro, A. Paiva, L. Ferreira, T. Enver, F. J. Iborra and R. Pires das Neves, Osmotic modulation of chromatin impacts on efficiency and kinetics of cell fate modulation, Scientific Reports 8,7210 (2018).
- A. Aires, J. Fernández-Cadenas, R. Guantes* and A. L. Cortajarena*, An experimental and computational framework for engineering multifunctional nanoparticles: designing selective anticancer therapies, Nanoscale (2017) 9, 13760-1377 (*corresponding authors).
- A. Núñez, G. Amo de Paz, Z. Ferencova, A. Rastrojo,R. Guantes, A. M. García, A. Alcamí, A.M Gutiérrez-Bustillo, D. A. Moreno, Validation of the Hirst-type spore trap for simultaneous monitoring of prokaryotic and eukaryotic diversity in urban air samples by NGS. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. (2017) 83:13, e00472-17.
- F. Eduati, V. Doldán-Martelli, B. Klinger, T. Cokelaer, A. Sieber, F. Kogera, M. Dorel, M.J. Garnett, N. Blüthgen and J. Saez-Rodriguez Drug Resistance Mechanisms in Colorectal Cancer Dissected with Cell Type–Specific Dynamic Logic Models, Cancer Research (2017) 77:12, 3364.
- M. Bernabé-Rubio, G. Andrés, J. Casares-Arias, J. Fernández-Barrera, L. Rangel, N. Reglero-Real, D.C. Gershlick, J.J. Fernández, J. Millán, I. Correas, D.G. Miguez, M.A. Alonso, Novel role for the midbody in primary ciliogenesis by polarized epithelial cells, J. Cell Biology 214, 259–273 (2016)
- A. Valencia-Expósito*, I. Grosheva*, D. G. Míguez*, A. González-Reyes, M. D. Martín-Bermudo, The Myosin Light Chain Phosphatase is required in epithelial cells to control basal actomyosin oscillations governing tissue elongation, Nature Communications 7, 10746 (2016) (*shared 1st authorship)
- J. Estrada, N. Andrew, D. Gibson, F. Chang, Florian Gnad and J. Gunawardena, Cellular Interrogation: Exploiting Cell-to-Cell Variability to Discriminate Regulatory Mechanisms in Oscillatory Signalling. PLoS Computational Biology 12, e1004995 (2016).
- R. Guantes, I. Benedetti, R. Silva-Rocha and V. de Lorenzo, Transcription factor levels enable metabolic diversification of single cells of environmental bacteria, The ISME Journal (2016)
- R. Guantes, J. Díaz-Colunga and F. J. Iborra, Mitochondria and the non-genetic origins of cell-to-cell variability: More is different, BioEssays 38, 64-76 (2016).
- D. G. Míguez, A Branching Process to Characterize the Dynamics of Stem Cell Differentiation, Scientific Reports 5, 13265 (2015)
- R. Guantes, A. Rastrojo, R. Neves, A. Lima, B. Aguado and F. J. Iborra, Global variability in gene expression and alternative splicing is modulated by mitochondrial content, Genome Research 25(5), 633-644 (2015).
- R. Guantes, S. Arganda and G. G. de Polavieja, Biophysics of Adaptation in a Computational Model of the Leech T Neuron, in Jaeger D, Jung R (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience (2015).
- V. Doldán-Martelli, D. G. Míguez, Synergistic Interaction between Selective Drugs in Cell Populations Models, PloS one 10 (2), e0117558 (2015).
- S. H. Mejías, B. Sot, R. Guantes and A. L. Cortajarena , Controlled nanometric fibers of self-assembled designed protein scaffolds, Nanoscale 6, 10982-10988 (2014).
- J. Aguirre, D. Bajic and R. Guantes, Biología de Sistemas, in Sebastián A, Pascual-García A (Eds.), Bioinformática con Ñ (2014)ISBN: 978-84-617-1976-X (free textbook on bioinformatics, in Spanish). Downloadable from Scribd.
- A. L. Sanz & D. G. Míguez, Dual R-Smads interplay in the regulation of vertebrate neurogenesis. Neurogenesis 1, e29529 (2014).
- T. Ruiz-Herrero, J. Estrada, R. Guantes, D. G. Miguez, A tunable coarse-grained model for ligand-receptor interaction, PLOS Computational Biology 9, e1003274 (2013).
- D. G. Míguez*, E. Gil-Guiñón, S. Pons and E. Martí Smad2 and Smad3 cooperate and antagonize simultaneously in vertebrate neurogenesis, Journal Of Cell Science 126, 5335 (2013). (*First and corresponding authorship)
- M. Saade, I. Gutiérrez-Vallejo, G. Le Dréau, M. A. Rabadán, D. G. Miguez, J. Buceta, E. Martí Sonic hedgehog signaling switches the mode of division in the developing nervous system, Cell Reports 4,492 (2013).
- D. G. Míguez, Network Nonlinearities in Drug Treatment, Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Sciences 5,85 (2013).
- P. Gregorio-Godoy, D. G. Míguez, Synthetic approaches to study transcriptional networks and noise in mammalian systems, IET Systems Biology 7,11 (2013).
- V. Doldán-Martelli, R. Guantes, D. G. Míguez, A Mathematical Model for the Rational Design of Chimeric Ligands in Selective Drug Therapies, CPT: Pharmacometrics & Systems Pharmacology 2, e26 (2013).
- J. Estrada and R. Guantes, Dynamic and structural constraints in signal propagation by regulatory networks Mol. BioSyst. 9, 268-284 (2013).
- R. Guantes, B. Cayrol, F. Busi and V. Arluison, Positive Regulatory Dynamics by a small noncoding RNA: Speeding Up Responses Under Temperature Stress, Molecular Biosystems 8 , 1707-1715 (2012).
- Florian Gnad , Javier Estrada and Jeremy Gunawardena ,Proteus: a web-based, context-specific modelling tool for molecular network, Bioinformatics 28, 1284 - 1286 (2012).
- V. Doldán-Martelli, D. G. Míguez, Theoretical Approaches to Growth Hormone Signaling, in 'Growth Hormones: Synthesis, Regulation and Health Implications', Eds. A. Andersdtr and J. Anderssen Nova Publishers ISBN 978-1-61942-681-8 (2012).
- I. A. Swinburne, D. G. Míguez, D. Landgraf, and P. A. Silver, Intron length increases oscillatory periods of gene expression in animal cells, Genes & Dev., 22 2008, 2342-2346 (2008).
- S. Alonso, D. G. Míguez, F. Sagués, Differential susceptibility to noise of mixed Turing and Hopf modes in a photosensitive chemical medium, Europhys. Lett, 81, 30006 (2008).
- R. Guantes and J. F. Poyatos,Multistable decision switches for flexible control of epigenetic differentiation, PLoS Computational Biology 4, e1000235 (2008)
- V. K. Vanag, D.G. Míguez, I. R. Epstein, Designing an Enzymatic Oscillator: Bistability and Feedback Control led Oscillations with Glucose Oxidase in a CSTR, J. Phys. Chem. 125, 194515 (2006).
- D.G. Míguez, S. Alonso, A.P. Muñuzuri, F. Sagués, Experimental evidence of localized oscillations in the photosensitive chlorine dioxide-iodine-malonic acid reaction, Phys. Rev. Lett, 97, 178301 (2006).
- D. G. Míguez, A. P. Muñuzuri, On the orientation of stripes in fish skin patterning, Biophys. Chem. 124, 161 (2006).
- D. G. Míguez, R. A. Satnoianu, A. P. Muñuzuri, Experimental steady pattern formation in reaction-diffusion-advection systems, Phys. Rev. E 73, 025201 (R) (2006).
- D. G. Míguez, M. Dolnik, A. P. Muñuzuri, L. Kramer, Effect of Axial Growth on Turing Pattern Formation. Phys. Rev. Lett 96, 048304 (2006).
- D. G. Míguez, G. Izús, A. P. Muñuzuri, Robustness and Stability of Flow-and-Diffusion Structures, Phys. Rev. E 73, 016207 (2006).
- R. Guantes and J. F. Poyatos, Dynamical principles of two-component genetic oscillators, PLoS Computational Biology 2, e30 (2006).
- D. G. Miguez, V. Perez-Villar, and A. P. Munuzuri, Turing instability controlled by spatiotemporal imposed dynamics, Phys. Rev. E 71, 066217 (2005).
- R. Guantes and G. G. de Polavieja, "Variability in noise-driven integrator neurons", Physical Review E 71, 011911 (2005).
- S. C. Farantos, S. Stamatiadis, L. Lathouwers and R. Guantes, "Grid enabled molecular dynamics: classical and quantum algorithms", Lecture Series on Computer and Computational Sciences 1, 1-16 (2005).
- F. Sagués, D. G. Míguez, E. M. Nicola, A. P. Muñuzuri, J. Casademunt, L. Kramer, Travelling-stripe forcing of Turing patterns, Physica D 199, 235 (2004).
- D. G. Míguez, E. M. Nicola, A. P. Muñuzuri, J. Casademunt, F. Sagués, L. Kramer, Traveling-Stripe Forcing Generates Hexagonal Patterns, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 048303 (2004).
- M. Kærn‡, D. G. Míguez‡, A. P. Muñuzuri, M. Menzinger, Control of chemical pattern formation by a clock-and-wavefront type mechanism, Biophys. Chem. 110, 231 (2004). Shared 1st authorship.
- S. Sengupta, R. Guantes, S. Miret-Artés and P. Hänggi, "Controlling directed transport in two-dimensional periodic structures under crossed electric fields", Physica A 338, 406 (2004).
- R. Guantes, A. S. Sanz, J. Margalef-Roig and S. Miret-Artés, "Atom-surface diffraction: a trajectory description", Surface Science Reports 53, 199-330 (2004).
- R. Guantes, J. L. Vega, S. Miret-Artés and Eli Pollak, "Hamiltonian theory for vibrational lineshapes of atoms adsorbed on surfaces", Journal of Chemical Physics 120, 10768 (2004).
- J. L. Vega, R. Guantes and S. Miret-Artés, "Quasielastic and low vibrational lineshapes in atom-surface diffusion", Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 16, S2879 (2004).
- J. L. Vega, R. Guantes, S. Miret-Artés and D. A. Micha, "Collisional lineshapes for low frequency vibrations of an atom adsorbed on a metal surface", Journal of Chemical Physics 121, 8580 (2004)
- B. Peña, C. Pérez-García, A. Sanz-Anchelergues, D. G. Míguez, A. P. Muñuzuri, Transverse instabilities in chemical Turing patterns of stripes, Phys. Rev. E 68, 056206 (2003).
- S. Rüdiger, D. G. Míguez, A. P. Muñuzuri, F. Sagués, J. Casademunt, Dynamics of Turing Patterns under Spatiotemporal Forcing, Phys. Rev. Lett 90, 128301 (2003).
- R. Guantes and S. Miret-Artés, "Chaotic transport of particles in two-dimensional periodic potentials driven by ac forces", Physical Review E 67, 046212 (2003).
- R. Guantes, J. L. Vega, S. Miret-Artés and Eli Pollak, "Kramers' turnover theory for diffusion of Na atoms on a Cu(001) surface measured by He scattering", Journal of Chemical Physics 119, 2780 (2003).