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Innate Immunity, Cell Signaling and Molecular Modeling Laboratory


We reach better outcomes through cooperation. I am devoted to full and open collaboration whenever and wherever feasible. Please contact me to discuss the possibilities.

Master's/Doctoral course

Potential candidates can apply for Korean Government Scholarship Program. This includes 1 year of Korean language followed by 2 years of Master and 3 years of Doctoral courses. For details please visit:

We are constantly looking for highly motivated students who want to join our research lab. Please feel free to contact me.

Contact Information

Sangdun Choi, PhD
Department of Molecular Science and Technology
Ajou University, Suwon, 443-749, Korea
Office : #209, Woncheon Hall, Ajou University
Lab : #104,#135 and #136-1, Woncheon Hall, Ajou University
Phone : (+82)-31-219-2600
Email :