OpenWetWare:Steering committee/Meeting - March 2008

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SC Reports

Brief reports on the month's activity should be written by each chair 2 days before the SC meeting. At the meeting each chair will bring up any open issues that require discussion, but won't need to recount everything described below.



  • John Cumbers is the new SC coordinator
  • OpenWetWare:Community/Project brainstorming - started this page to try to collect ideas that people had posted from around the site about community "features". please add to it.
  • SC positions? can we recruit new active community members?


News and highlights

  • SC Blog feed to main page OWW news seems to be working well.
  • Discussion of basic blog etiquette and the development of blog post guidelines--mainly to state that defamation, slander, and personal attacks are inappropriate for OWW blogs.
  • My current schedule and projects are not allowing me to participate or give as much attention to OWW News and Highlights as I would like. A replacement N&H chair should be nominated. Jen




