Manchester Interdisciplinary Biocentre
MIB researchers explore a diversity of projects at the interface to biology and, as with any dynamic research centre, the research programme will evolve continually. Indeed, this flexibility will constitute a vital operational principle of the institute, allowing our research priorities to develop rapidly and flexibly in ways that complement activities in the university's Schools and Faculties. Many of our large-scale projects are widely networked within the university community.
Our research follows five broad themes, listed here in roughly ascending order of system complexity. You will find links to a number of major research initiatives, as well as to individual group leader outlines, in the respective theme sections.
- Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics
- Bionanoscience/engineering
- Self-Assembling Systems
- Biocatalysis
- Systems Biology
In parallel, we pursue a number of areas of:
- Technology & Instrumentation Development
The information contained on this page is taken from the MIB website with permission from the MIB webmaster(andy.bowen@manchester.ac.uk).
External links
- Manchester Interdisciplinary Biocentre – official website
- University of Manchester – official website