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Journals | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Journal Name | Abbreviations | Notes |
EAAP Publication | EAAP Publ | |
EEG-EMG Zeitschrift fur Elektroenzephalogrphie, Elektromyographie und Verwandte Gebiete | EEG EMG Z Elektroenzephalogr Elektromyogr Verwandte Geb | Stuttgart |
EJB Electronic Journal of Biotechnology | EJB Electron J Biotechnol | |
ELECTROCHEMISTRY | Electrochemistry | |
EMBO (European Molecular Biology Organization) Journal | EMBO (Eur Mol Biol Organ) J | |
EMBO Journal | EMBO J | Oxford |
EMBO Reports | EMBO Rep | |
EMRO Technical Publications Series | EMRO Tech Publ Ser | |
ENANTIOMER | Enantiomer | |
EOS - Revista Espanola de Entomologia | EOS-Rev Esp Entomol | |
EOS-Rivista di Immunologia ed Immunofarmacologia | EOS-Riv Immunol Immunofarmacol | |
ESIS Publication | ESIS Publ | |
EXS | EXS | Basel |
Ear and Hearing | Ear Hear | Baltimore, MD |
Ear, Nose, and Throat Journal | Ear Nose Throat J | Secaucus, NJ |
Early Human Development | Early Hum Dev | |
Early Human and Development | Early Hum Dev | Limerick |
Earth and Planetary Science Letters | Earth Planet Sci Lett | |
East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal | East Afr Agric For J | |
East African Medical Journal | East Afr Med J | Nairobi |
East African Wildlife Journal | East Afr Wildl J | |
Echinoderm Studies | Echinoderm Stud | |
Echocardiography Journal | Echocardiogr J | |
Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae | Eclogae Geol Helv | |
Ecography | Ecography | |
Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology | Ecohydrol Hydrobiol | |
Ecologia Austral | Ecol Austral | |
Ecologia Mediterranea | Ecol Mediterr | |
Ecological Applications | Ecol Appl | Tempe, AZ |
Ecological Bulletins | Ecol Bull | |
Ecological Computations Series | Ecol Comput Ser | |
Ecological Economics | Ecol Econom | |
Ecological Engineering | Ecol Eng | |
Ecological Entomology | Ecol Entomol | |
Ecological Modelling | Ecol Model, Ecol Modell | |
Ecological Monographs | Ecol Monogr, Ecol Monograph | Tempe, AZ |
Ecological Psychology | Ecol Psychol | |
Ecological Research | Ecol Res | |
Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting Abstracts | Ecol Soc Am Annu Meet Abstr | |
Ecological Studies | Ecol Stud | |
Ecologie | Ecologie | Paris |
Ecology | Ecology | Washington D C |
Ecology Economy & Environment | Ecol Econ Environ | |
Ecology Letters | Ecol Lett | |
Ecology of Food and Nutrition | Ecol Food Nutr | |
Ecology of Freshwater Fish | Ecol Freshw Fish | |
Economic Botany | Econ Bot | |
Economic Geology | Econ Geol | |
Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists | Econ Geol | |
Ecoscience | Ecoscience | |
Ecosystem Health | Ecosys Health, Ecosyst Health | |
Ecosystems | Ecosystems | |
Ecosystems of the World | Ecosyst World | |
Ecotoxicology | Ecotoxicology | |
Ecotoxicology and Environment Safety | Ecotoxicol Environ Saf | |
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety | Ecotoxicol Environ Saf, Ecotoxicol Environ Safety | New York, NY |
Ecotropica | Ecotropica | Bonn |
Ecotropical Monographs | Ecotrop Monogr | |
Ecotropicos | Ecotropicos | Caracas |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany | Edinb J Bot | |
Edition Gynaekologie und Geburtsmedizin | Ed Gynaekol Geburtsmedizin | |
Educacion Medica Y Salud | Educ Med Salud | Washington, DC |
Education in Chemistry | Educ Chem | |
Eesti Putukate Levikuatlas | Eesti Putukate Levikuatlas | |
Egretta | Egretta | |
Egyptian Journal of Botany | Egypt J Bot | |
Egyptian Journal of Chemistry | Egypt J Chem | |
Egyptian Journal of Genetics and Cytology | Egypt J Genet Cytol | |
Egyptian Journal of Horticulture | Egypt J Hortic | |
Egyptian Journal of Microbiology | Egypt J Microbiol | |
Egyptian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences | Egypt J Pharm Sci | |
Egyptian Journal of Soil Science | Egypt J Soil Sci | |
Eicosanoids | Eicosanoids | Berlin |
Einstein Quarterly Journal of Biology and Medicine | Einstein Q J Biol Med | |
Eisei Shikenjo Hokoku Bulletin of National Institute of Hygienic Sciences | Eisei Shikenjo Hokoku | Tokyo |
Ekologia | Ekologia | Bratislava |
Ekologia Polska Seria A | Ekol Pol Ser A | |
Ekologiya | Ekologiya | Moscow |
Ekotekhnologii i Resursosberezhenie | Ekotekhnol Resursosberezhenie | |
Eksperimental'naya Onkologiya | Eksp Onkol | |
Eksperimental'naya i Klinicheskaya Farmakologiya | Eksp Klin Farmakol | |
Eksperimetnalna Meditsna I Morfologiia | Eksp Med Morfol | Sofia |
Electro- and Magnetobiology | Electro- Magnetobiol | |
Electroanalysis | Electroanalysis | New York |
Electroanalytical Chemistry | Electroanal Chem | |
Electrochemical Society Interface | Electrochem Soc Interface | |
Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters | Electrochem Solid-State Lett | |
Electrochemistry | Electrochemistry | Tokyo, Japan |
Electrochemistry Communications | Electrochem Commun | |
Electrochimica Acta | Electrochim Acta | |
Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology | Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol | Limerick |
Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology Supplement | Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol Suppl | Limerick |
Electromyography and Clinical Neurophysiology | Electromyogr Clin Neurophysiol | Louvain |
Electron Microscopy Reviews | Electron Microsc Res | Elmsford, NY |
Electron Microscopy in Biology and Medicine | Electron Microsc Biol Med | |
Electronic Journal of Surgery and Specialist Medicine | Electr J Surg | |
Electronic Technology | Electron Technol | |
Electronics Letters | Electron Lett | |
Electrophoresis | Electrophoresis | Weinheim, Federal Republic of Germany |
Elektrokhimiya | Elektrokhimiya | |
Elsevier Oceanography Series | Elsevier Oceanogr Ser | |
Elytra | Elytra | |
Elytron | Elytron | Barcelona |
Emergency Medicine Clinics of North America | Emerg Med Clin North Am | Philadelphia, PA |
Emerging Infectious Dieseases | Emerg Infect Diseases | |
Emerging Infectious Diseases | Emerg Infect Dis | |
Emory University Museum Bulletin | Emory Univ Mus Bull | |
Emu | Emu | |
Encephale | Encephale | Paris |
Endeavour | Endeavor, Endeavour | Kidlington |
Endocrine | Endocrine | |
Endocrine Development | Endocr Dev | |
Endocrine Journal | Endocr J | |
Endocrine Regulations | Endocr Regul | Bratislava |
Endocrine Research | Endocr Res | New York, NY |
Endocrine Reviews | Endocr Rev | Baltimore, MD |
Endocrinologia | Endocrinologia | |
Endocrinologia Japonica | Endocrinol Jpn | Tokyo |
Endocrinologia Y Nutricion | Endocrinol Nutr | Barcelona |
Endocrinologie | Endocrinologie | Bucuresti |
Endocrinology | Endocrinology | Baltimore |
Endocrinology and Metabolism | Endocrinol Metab | |
Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics of North America | Endocrinol Metab Clin N Am, Endocrinol Metab Clin North Am | Philadelphia, PA |
Endodontics and Dental Traumatology | Endod Dent Traumatol | |
Endokrynologia Polska | Endokrynol Pol | Warszawa |
Endoscopy | Endoscopy | Stuttgart |
Energy & Fuels | Energy Fuels | |
Energy Conversion and Management | Energy Convers Manage | |
Energy Sources | Energy Sources | |
Energy and Fuels | Energy Fuels | |
Energy in World Agriculture | Energy World Agric | |
Enfermedades Infecciosas Y Microbiologia Clinica | Enferm Infecc Microbiol Clin | Barcelona |
Engineering and Mining Journal | Eng Min J | |
Engineering in Life Sciences | Eng Life Sci | |
Ensho | Ensho | |
Entechnology | Entechnology | Secaucus, NJ |
Entemology Genetics | Entemol Genet | |
Entomofauna | Entomofauna | |
Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata | Entomol Exp Appl | |
Entomologia Generalis | Entomol Gen | |
Entomologia Hellenica | Entomol Hell | |
Entomologica | Entomologica | Bari |
Entomologica Americana | Entomol Am | |
Entomologica Basiliensis | Entomol Basil | |
Entomologica Fennica | Entomol Fenn | |
Entomologica Gallica | Entomol Gallica | |
Entomologica Germanica | Entomol Ger | |
Entomologica Scandinavia | Entomol Scand | |
Entomologica Scandinavica | Entomol Scand | |
Entomologica Scandinavica Supplement | Entomol Scand Suppl | |
Entomological Magazine | Entomol Mag | |
Entomological News | Entomol News | |
Entomological Problems | Entomol Probl | |
Entomological Research Bulletin | Entomol Res Bull | |
Entomological Review | Entomol Rev | |
Entomological Science | Entomol Sci | |
Entomological Society of London | Entomol Soc Lon | |
Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie | Entomol Obozr | |
Entomologische Abhandlungen | Entomol Abh | Dresden |
Entomologische Arbeiten aus dem Museum G Frey Tutzing Bei Muenchen | Entomol Arb Mus G Frey Tutzing Bei Muench | |
Entomologische Berichte | Entomol Ber | Berlin |
Entomologische Berichten | Entomol Ber | Amsterdam |
Entomologische Blaetter fuer Biologie und Systematik der Kaefer | Entomol Bl Biol Syst Kaefer | |
Entomologische Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum Hamburg | Entomol Mitt Zool Mus Hambg | |
Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte | Entomol Nachr Ber | |
Entomologische Zeitschrift | Entomol Z | |
Entomologisches Nachrichtenblatt | Entomol Nachrbl | |
Entomologisk Tidskrift | Entomol Tidskr | |
Entomologiske Meddelelser | Entomol Medd | |
Entomologist's Gazette | Entomol Gaz | |
Entomologist's Monthly Magazine | Entomol Mon Mag | |
Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation | Entomol Rec J Var | |
Entomologiste | Entomologiste | Paris |
Entomology Newsletter | Entomol Newsl | |
Entomon | Entomon | |
Entomonograph | Entomonograph | |
Entomophaga | Entomophaga | |
Entomops | Entomops | |
Entomotaxonomia | Entomotaxonomia | |
Environment Carcinogenesis and Ecotoxicology Reviews | Environ Carcinog Ecotoxicol Rev | |
Environment Control in Biology | Environ Control Biol | |
Environment International | Environ Int | |
Environment Protection Engineering | Environ Prot Eng | |
Environment Southwest | Environ Southwest | |
Environment and Multilateral Diplomacy Series | Environ Multilater Dipl Ser | |
Environmental Biology of Fishes | Environ Biol Fishes | |
Environmental Conservation | Environ Conserv | |
Environmental Engineering Science | Environ Eng Sci | |
Environmental Entomology | Environ Entomol | |
Environmental Epidemiology and Toxicology | Environ Epidemiol Toxicol | |
Environmental Ethics | Environ Ethics | |
Environmental Geochemistry and Health | Environ Geochem Health | |
Environmental Geology | Environ Geol | Berlin |
Environmental Geosciences | Environ Geosci | |
Environmental Health Criteria | Environ Health Criter | |
Environmental Health Perspectives | Environ Health Perspect | Research Triangle Park, NC |
Environmental Management | Environ Manag, Environ Manage | |
Environmental Medicine | Environ Med | Nagoya |
Environmental Microbiology | Environ Microbiol | |
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment | Environ Monit Assess | |
Environmental Pollution | Environ Pollut | Amsterdam, Netherlands |
Environmental Progress | Environ Prog | |
Environmental Research | Environ Res | New York, NY |
Environmental Reviews | Environ Rev | |
Environmental Science & Technology | Environ Sci Technol | |
Environmental Science Research | Environ Sci Res | |
Environmental Science and Pollution Control Series | Environ Sci Pollut Control Ser | |
Environmental Science and Pollution Research International | Environ Sci Pollut Res Int | |
Environmental Science and Technology | Environ Sci Technol | Washington, DC |
Environmental Science and Technology Library | Environ Sci Technol Libr | |
Environmental Sciences Research Report | Environ Sci Res Rep | |
Environmental Technology | Environ Technol | |
Environmental Toxicology | Environ Toxicol | |
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry | Environ Toxicol Chem | |
Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology | Environ Toxicol Pharmacol | |
Environmental Toxicology and Water Quality | Environ Toxicol Water Qual | |
Environmental Toxin Series | Environ Toxin Ser | |
Environmental and Ecological Statistics | Environ Ecol Stat | |
Environmental and Experimental Botany | Environ Exp Bot, Environ Exper Bot | |
Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis | Environ Mol Mutagen | New York, NY |
Environmetrics | Environmetrics | |
Enyzme and Microbial Technology | Enzyme Microbial Technol | New York, NY |
Enzyme | Enzyme | Basel |
Enzyme and Microbial Technology | Enzyme Microb Technol | |
Enzyme and Protein | Enzyme Prot, Enzyme Protein | |
Enzymes | Enzymes | |
Enzymologia | Enzymologia | |
Epidemiologia E Prevenzione | Epidemiol Prev | Milano |
Epidemiologic Reviews | Epidemiol Rev | Baltimore, MD |
Epidemiological Bulletin | Epidemiol Bull | Washington, DC |
Epidemiologie Mikrobiologie Imunologie | Epidemiol Mikrobiol Imunol | |
Epidemiology | Epidemiology | Cambridge, MA |
Epidemiology and Infection | Epidemiol Infect | Cambridge, Eng |
Epilepsia | Epilepsia | New York, NY |
Epilepsy Research | Epilepsy Res | Amsterdam |
Epilepsy Research Supplement | Epilepsy Res Suppl | Amsterdam |
Equine Veterinary Journal | Equine Vet J | London |
Erdoel & Kohle, Erdgas, Petrochemie | Erdoel Kohle, Erdgas, Petrochem | |
Erdoel, Erdgas, Kohle | Erdoel, Erdgas, Kohle | |
Erdol and Kohle Erdgas, Petrochemie | Erdol and Kohle Erdgas, Petrochem | |
Ergebnisse der Experimentellen Medizin | Ergeb Exp Med | |
Ergebnisse der Inneren Medizin und Kinderheilkunde | Ergeb Inn Med Kinderheilkd | Berlin |
Ergebnisse der Limnologie | Ergeb Limnol | |
Ergonomics | Ergonomics | London |
Ericksonian Monographs | Ericksonian Monogr | |
Ernst Schering Research Foundation Workshop | Ernst Schering Res Found Workshop | |
Ernst Schering Research Foundation Workshop Supplement | Ernst Schering Res Found Workshop Suppl | |
Ernstia | Ernstia | |
Esakia | Esakia | |
Essays in Biochemistry | Essays Biochem | London |
Essential Psychopharmacology | Essential Psychopharmacology | |
Essex Naturalist | Essex Nat | London |
Estuaries | Estuaries | |
Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science | Estuar Coast Shelf Sci | |
Estuarine and Coastal Marine Science | Estuar Coast Mar Sci | |
Estudios Geologicos | Estud Geol | Madrid |
Ethiopian Medical Journal | Ethiop Med J | Addis Ababa |
Ethnicity & Disease | Ethn Dis | |
Ethology | Ethol, Ethology | |
Ethology Ecology & Evolution | Ethol Ecol Evol | |
Ettore Majorana International Science Series: Physical Sciences | Ettore Majorana Int Sci Ser: Phys Sci | |
Eukaryotic Cell | Eukaryot Cell, Eukaryotic Cell | |
Euphytica | Euphytica | |
European Addiction Research | Eur Addict Res | |
European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology | Eur Arch Oto-Rhino-Laryngol, Eur Arch Otrhinolaryngol | Heidelberg |
European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience | Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci | Berlin |
European Biophysics Journal | Eur Biophys J | |
European Biotechnology Newsletter | Eur Biotechnol Newslett | |
European Cytokine Network | Eur Cytokine Netw, Eur Cytokine Network | Montrouge |
European Food Research and Technology | Eur Food Res Technol | |
European Heart Journal | Eur Heart J | London |
European Journal of Agronomy | Eur J Agron | |
European Journal of Anaesthesiology | Eur J Anaesthesiol | Oxford |
European Journal of Anaesthesiology Supplement | Eur J Anaesthesiol Suppl | Oxford |
European Journal of Applied Physiology | Eur J Appl Physiol | |
European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology | Eur J Appl Physiol | Berlin |
European Journal of Basic and Applied Histochemistry | Eur J Basic Appl Histochem | Pavia |
European Journal of Biochemistry | Eur J Biochem | Berlin |
European Journal of Cancer | Eur J Cancer | Oxford |
European Journal of Cancer Care | Eur J Cancer Care | |
European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery | Eur J Cardiothorac Surg | Berlin |
European Journal of Cell Biology | Eur J Cell Biol | Stuttgart |
European Journal of Cell Biology Supplement | Eur J Cell Biol Suppl | Stuttgart |
European Journal of Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Biochemistry | Eur J Clin Chem Clin Biochem | Berlin |
European Journal of Clinical Investigation | Eur J Clin Invest, Eur J Clin Investig | Oxford |
European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases | Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis | Wiesbaden |
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition | Eur J Clin Nutr | London |
European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology | Eur J Clin Pharmacol | Berlin |
European Journal of Dental Education | Eur J Dental Ed | |
European Journal of Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics | Eur J Drug Metab Pharmacokinet | |
European Journal of Drug Metabolism and Pharmokinetics | Eur J Drug Metab Pharmacokinet | Paris |
European Journal of Endocrinology | Eur J Endocrinol | |
European Journal of Entomology | Eur J Entomol | |
European Journal of Epidemiology | Eur J Epidemiol | Rome |
European Journal of Forest Pathology | Eur J Forest Pathol | |
European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology | Eur J Gynaecol Oncol | Padua |
European Journal of Haematology | Eur J Haematol | Copenhagen |
European Journal of Haematology Supplementum | Eur J Haematol Suppl | Copenhagen |
European Journal of Histochemistry | Eur J Histochem | |
European Journal of Human Genetics | Eur J Hum Genet, Eur J Human Genet | |
European Journal of Immunogenetics | Eur J Immunogen, Eur J Immunogenet | Oxford |
European Journal of Immunology | Eur J Immunol | Weinheim |
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry | Eur J Inorg Chem | |
European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology | Eur J Lipid Sci Technol | |
European Journal of Mass Spectrometry | Eur J Mass Spectrom | |
European Journal of Medical Chemistry | Eur J Med Chem | |
European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry | Eur J Med Chem | |
European Journal of Mineralogy | Eur J Mineral | |
European Journal of Morphology | Eur J Morphol | Lisse |
European Journal of Neurology | Eur J Neurol | |
European Journal of Neuroscience | Eur J Neurosci | |
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine | Eur J Nucl Med | Heidelberg |
European Journal of Nutrition | Eur J Nutr | |
European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Biology | Eur J Obstet Gynaecol Reprod Biol | Amsterdam |
European Journal of Oral Sciences | Eur J Oral Sci | |
European Journal of Organic Chemistry | Eur J Org Chem | |
European Journal of Orthodontics | Eur J Orthod | Oxford |
European Journal of Pediatric Surgery | Eur J Pediatr Surg | Stuttgart |
European Journal of Pediatrics | Eur J Pediatr | Berlin |
European Journal of Pharmaceutical Science | Eur J Pharm Sci | Amsterdam |
European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences | Eur J Pharm Sci | |
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics | Eur J Pharm Biopharm, Eur J Pharmaceut Biopharmaceut | |
European Journal of Pharmacology | Eur J Pharmacol | Amsterdam |
European Journal of Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology Section | Eur J Pharmacol, Mol Pharmacol Sect | |
European Journal of Phycology | Eur J Phycol | Cambridge |
European Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation | Eur J Physical Med Rehab | |
European Journal of Plant Pathology | Eur J Plant Pathol | |
European Journal of Protistology | Eur J Protistol | |
European Journal of Psychiatry | Eur J Psychiatry | |
European Journal of Public Health | Eur J Pub Health | Stockholm |
European Journal of Radiology | Eur J Radiol | Amsterdam |
European Journal of Rheumatology and Inflammation | Eur J Rheumatol Inflamm | London |
European Journal of Soil Biology | Eur J Soil Biol | |
European Journal of Soil Science | Eur J Soil Sci | |
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry | Eur J Solid State Inorg Chem | |
European Journal of Surgery | Eur J Surg | Stockholm |
European Journal of Surgery Supplement | Eur J Surg Suppl | Stockholm |
European Journal of Surgical Oncology | Eur J Surg Oncol | London |
European Journal of Vascular Surgery | Eur J Vasc Surg | London |
European Mass Spectrometry | Eur Mass Spectrom | |
European Neurology | Eur Neurol | Basel |
European Neuropsychopharmacology | Eur Neuropsychopharmacol | Amsterdam |
European Physical Journal A: Hadrons and Nuclei | Eur Phys J A | |
European Physical Journal B: Condensed Matter Physics | Eur Phys J B | |
European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields | Eur Phys J C | |
European Physical Journal D: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics | Eur Phys J D | |
European Physical Journal E: Soft Matter | Eur Phys J E | |
European Polymer Journal | Eur Polym J | |
European Psychiatry | Eur Psychiatry | |
European Respiratory Journal | Eur Respir J | Copenhagen |
European Respiratory Journal Supplement | Eur Respir J Suppl | Copenhagen |
European Respiratory Review | Eur Respir Rev | |
European School of Oncology Scientific Updates | Eur Sch Oncol Sci Updates | |
European Surgical Research | Eur Surg Res | Basel |
European Urology | Eur Urol | Basel |
Europhysics Letters | Europhys Lett | |
Evaluation of New Canal Point Sugarcane Clones | Eval New Canal Point Sugarcane Clones | |
Evidence Based Neurology | Evidence Based Neurology | |
Evolucion Biologica | Evol Biol | Bogota |
Evolution | Evolution | Lawrence, KS |
Evolutionary Anthropology | Evol Anthropol | |
Evolutionary Biology | Evol Biol | New York |
Evolutionary Computation | Evol Comput | |
Evolutionary Ecology | Evol Ecol | |
Evolutionary Ecology Research | Evol Ecol Res | |
Evolutionary Theory & Review | Evol Theory Rev | |
Excellence in Ecology | Excell Ecol | |
Exceptional Children | Except Child | Reston, VA |
Excerpta Medica International Congress Series | Excerpta Med Int Congr Ser | |
Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews | Exerc Spotr Sci Rev | Lexington, MA |
Experientia | Experientia | Basel |
Experientia Supplementum | Experientia Suppl | Basel |
Experimental & Applied Acarology | Exp Appl Acarol | |
Experimental & Molecular Medicine | Exp Mol Med | |
Experimental Aging Research | Exp Aging Res | Bar Harbor, ME |
Experimental Agriculture | Exp Agric | |
Experimental Animals | Exp Anim | Tokyo |
Experimental Bioliogy Online | Exp Biol Online | |
Experimental Biology | Exp Biol | Berlin |
Experimental Biology and Medicine | Exp Biol Med | Maywood, NJ, United States |
Experimental Brain Research | Exp Brain Res | Berlin |
Experimental Brain Research Series | Exp Brain Res Ser | |
Experimental Cell Research | Exp Cell Res | New York, NY |
Experimental Dermatology | Exp Dermatol | |
Experimental Eye Research | Exp Eye Res | London |
Experimental Gerontology | Exp Geront, Exp Gerontol | Oxford |
Experimental Hematology | Exp Hematol | Charlottesville |
Experimental Lung Research | Exp Lung Res | New York, NY |
Experimental Mycology | Exp Mycol | |
Experimental Nephrology | Exp Nephrol | |
Experimental Neurology | Exp Neurol | New York, NY |
Experimental Parasitology | Exp Parasitol | New York, NY |
Experimental Pathology | Exp Pathol | Jena |
Experimental Physiology | Exp Physiol | Cambridge, Eng |
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science | Exp Therm Fluid Sci | |
Experimental Zoology | Exp Zool | |
Experimental and Applied Acarology | Exp Appl Acarol | Amsterdam |
Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology | Exp Clin Endocrinol | Leipzig |
Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes | Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes | |
Experimental and Clinical Immunogenetics | Exp Clin Immunogenet | Basel |
Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology | Exp Clin Psychopharmacol | |
Experimental and Molecular Medicine | Exp Mol Med | |
Experimental and Molecular Pathology | Exp Mol Pathol | New York, NY |
Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology | Exp Toxicol Pathol | |
Experiments in Fluids | Exp Fluids | |
Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs | Expert Opin Invest Drugs | |
Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Patents | Expert Opin Ther Pat | |
Exploration and Mining Geology | Explor Min Geol | |
Extremophiles | Extremophiles | |
Eye | Eye | Basingstoke |