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Welcome to Tec de monterrey's Biosint_Mexico team Wiki for iGEM 2014

We are a group of undergraduate students of the Biotechnology Engineering School from ITESM interested in synthetic biology, doing research and the challenge of creating an alternative biological mechanism that serves humanity.

Select a year

  • iGEM BIOSINT 2014

Alicia Gabriela Quiroz Rocha

Mariana Guadalupe Guerrero Osornio

Juan Noe Hernandez Salazar

Juan José Quispe Haro

Claudia Elena Hernández Castillo

Linda A. Salas Meza

Jaime Antonio del Castillo Nuñez

User:Uriel E Barboza Perez ,

Dalia Ximena Tavera Guerrero

Karla Deniss Galindo Peña

Aldo Hernández Corchado

  • iGEM BIOSINT 2013 Bronce Medal

José Ricardo Cuenca Enríquez

Mariana Guadalupe Guerrero Osornio

Juan Noé Hernández Salazar

Alicia Gabriela Quiroz Rocha

Bryan Cruz Campos

Alejandra Matsuri Rojano Nisimura

Jaime Antonio del Castillo Nuñez

Laura Cortez Rayas

Will soon be edited by the new team of iGEM 2015


News and Announcements

Doin' it

For visitors

iGEM links



Teaching Fellows
