Harvard:SysBio 204/2016
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Course overview
- A course focusing on the rational design, construction, and applications of nucleic acid and protein-based synthetic molecular and cellular machinery and systems. Students are mentored to produce substantial term projects.
- Intended for graduate students in Systems Biology, Biophysics, Engineering, Biology and related disciplines. No formal prerequisites. Projects are tailored to each student's strengths and interests.
- Website: http://sb204.net
- Poster: http://openwetware.org/images/8/8f/Sb204.2016.poster.pdf
Midterm and Final
- There will be two midterms and one final project for this class
- Policy: strict submission deadline, we encourage you to submit your work the night before
- Midterm #1 due: 12pm Monday Oct. 3rd (slides, video), and 12pm Monday Oct. 10th (report, sequences)
- Midterm #2 due: 12pm Monday Oct. 31st (slides, video), and 12pm Monday Nov. 7th (report, sequences)
- Final project due: 12pm Monday Nov. 28th (slides), and 12pm Monday Dec. 5th (report, sequences)
- Method of submission: email slides and presentations to TA and submit them to Dropbox folder shared by TF
- Midterm and Final Projects (may be updated)
- Instructors: George Church, William Shih, Peng Yin
- Teaching Fellow: Weidong Xu (wxu@g.harvard.edu)
- Meeting time: 2:30 - 3:59 PM, Mon/Wed, Fall 2016
- Location: Room 521, Wyss Institute, 3 Blackfan circle, Boston, 02115
- First class on Wednesday Aug. 31st.
- No exams
- Prerequisites: none
- Grading
- 20% Participation
- 40% Midterm projects
- 40% Final project
- Harvard course site
Example topics for final design project
- miRNA pattern recognition in eukaryotic cells
- Directed evolution of chemical sensors
- Nano-breadboards for probing electron transport in proteins
- Altered genetic codes and amino acid alphabets
- Modification of proteins for function in harsh environments
- Automatable assembly of large synthetic genes and circuits
- Synthetic biology of stem cells and epigenetic reprogramming pathways
- Structural re-engineering of adenoviruses
- Artificial chemotactic swimmers
- Nonequilibrium networks of nano-machines mimicking dynamic instability in the cytoskeleton
- Recombinase-based multi-state memory in bacteria
- Exosome manufacturing
- Self-assembled solar energy harvester based on bio-inorganic nano-antennae for uv-vis
- Systematic debugging of DNA labeling chemistries by atomic-resolution TEM imaging of DNA origami
- Transcriptional activation and repression through rational molecular design
- Tissue engineering scaffold nano-materials
- Programmable multistep chemical synthesis by templating on catalytic nanostructures
- Ultra-sensitive signal processing for synthetic biology
- Antibody 2.0
- Synthetic nanostructure - virus conjugates
- Replication of information in synthetic crystals
- Cheap large-scale production of protein or DNA-based materials
- Etc. Etc. Etc.
Background Info and previous class projects
- BPH242r 2009 http://openwetware.org/wiki/Biophysics_242r/2009 (Synthetic Biology)
- BPH242r 2010 http://openwetware.org/wiki/Harvard:Biophysics_242r/2011 (Biologically Inspired Molecular Engineering)
- SB204 2011 http://openwetware.org/wiki/Harvard:SysBio_204/2011
- SB204 2012 http://openwetware.org/wiki/Harvard:SysBio_204/2012
- SB204 2013 http://openwetware.org/wiki/Harvard:SysBio_204/2013
- SB204 2014 http://openwetware.org/wiki/Harvard:SysBio_204/2014
- SB204 2015 http://openwetware.org/wiki/Harvard:SysBio_204/2015