Eccles:Lab meetings 2008

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Eccles Lab > Lab meeting schedule

Where and When

  • Scott 204 seminar room, Scott 2nd floor.
  • Wednesday, 3:30-4:30pm, unless otherwise noted.


Presenters can give:

  • an update about their own work.
  • a Journal Club-style talk about an interesting paper.
  • report on interesting stuff from any conferences attended.


March 12, Aaron

March 19, Andrew C


April 2, Cathal

April 9, organisation (add agenda items below)

  1. New Path projector laptop, Ajeffs 05:49, 8 April 2008 (EDT).
  2. Oligos, Ajeffs 05:42, 8 April 2008 (EDT).
  3. Store ordering, Ajeffs 05:42, 8 April 2008 (EDT).
  4. Rubbish in 203, Ajeffs 23:02, 8 April 2008 (EDT).

April 16, coffee at The Fix

April 23, Petra


May 7, Nicki

May 14, coffee

May 21, Jing Jing

May 28, Amy


June 4, Grace

June 11, coffee

June 18, Gagandeep

June25, Adele (postponed - no meeting today)


July 2, coffee

July 9, Cherie

July 16, Jody

July 23, coffee Cherie

July 30, Adele (postponed - no meeting today)


August 6, Shujie Coffee at the Fix

August 13, Justin (in Scott 205 today)

August 20, Shujie