BME100 s2017:Group3 W8AM L2

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Name: Robert Arthur
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Name: Anna Deng
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Name: Tyler Grenier
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Name: Jacqueline Klier
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Name: Andy Tang
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Name: D'Kiehl Cole-Cash


Device Description

Our product is an exoskeleton. We aim to provide more mobility and stability to a wide variety of patients such as war veterans, elders, people who have suffered from stroke, or even parkinson's patients. The exoskeleton we've created is designed to have a longer battery life and be more cost efficient that competitors.

Technical and Clinical Feasibility

Technical Feasibility

The technologies needed for our device our a long lasting power source, circuitry, and electrical sensors to ensure that our clients get the maximal battery use from our product so there not having to charge the exoskeleton eight times a day and that the wiring and mobility of the exoskeleton is unflawed so the client can get obtain the mobility and stability they assume they're getting when purchasing our product. Some of the challenges we face when designing our product are finding a lightweight material that is both sturdy and cheap, drawing our exoskeleton on solidworks because of how many different components we have to build, and finally we will face the challenge of correctly putting all our our parts together on solidworks. A few things that could go wrong with our product is that the client could fall and injure themselves, too much force could be given off when trying to mobilize the produce if the sensors are not working properly, the device could explodes, or the circuits could malfunction and the device could stop providing mobile support to the client.

Clinical Feasibility

The device will work in the clinic, it is supposed assist with individuals regaining their stability whether it's caused from a war related injury, war, or an illness. Our product is going to be lightweight and cost less than most of our competitors so it'll be easier for customers to moreover and cheap enough for hospitals, researchers, patients to purchase. The clinical risks ape person falling, bone breakage, bruising and muscle strain. In the most extreme cases would have been death. A product similar to our product that has been in clinical trial was ‘ReWalk’ and it was in clinical trial for approximately 3 years, from 2011 to 2014. The product was officially placed on the market in 2015.

The technical feasibility of our product would be a 2 and the clinical feasibility would be a 2 as well because our product faces some problems that could be overcome and it's reasonably price. With that being said our product is complex and isn't simple and straightforward hence why we couldn't rate our product a 1.

Market Analysis

Value Creation

Our exoskeleton will provide the customer with assisted mobility and stability, our product is produced with a light nanomaterial so it's lightweight and manageable, likewise, our product is more affordable than most competitors due to the material it's constructed with so it's easier for the average everyday person to afford. We've also designed our product to have a longer battery life because of the lightweight material used to design our product because the lightweight materials requires less energy to mobilize so the patient could get more use out of the exoskeleton per charge.

Manufacturing Cost

The approximate cost to create our design is roughly $5,000 after taking into consideration the cost of the battery, the power and control wires, the screws, the production, the plastic, aluminum, and Methyltrimethoxsilane .

Sales Price

The anticipated average sale price of our exoskeleton is around $7500 to account for production and delivery cost.

Market Size

Using the initial market size we analyzed in Lab One, the market size of our product would be 2,600,00 dollars per year due to the fact we have approximately 52 million people who could benefit from our design, or are in our client profile.

Fundability Discussion

Yes our prototype should be funded because it rates above a 2 in all categories of the fundability worksheet, we have a high market size with a lot of people who would be interested with our project, likewise, our product is feasibly possible, both technically and clinically. In conclusion, our product will help an array of people regain mobility and stability they may have lost due to age, sickness, or war and should be funded to help thousands of people live an easier more manageable life.