BME100 s2017:Group2 W8AM L2

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Name: Dallas Charles
Name: Abigail Hanson
Name: Daniel Jimenez
Name: Vanessa Sanders
Name: Kathryn Smith
Name: David Walker


Device Image and Description

Device is a smartwatch that has three dry electrode sensor in the face of the watch designed to measure heart rate. If you look at the bottom picture you will see the smartwatch face with the three electrodes built into it. The top picture shows the watch in full with wrist band attached to it. The wrist band has precut holes in it, allowing the user to wrap the band around their wist and securing it with a snap. The band is one size fit all.

Technical and Clinical Feasibility

Technical Feasibility

The technologies required are basic capabilities of a smartwatch, dry electrode sensors to accurately measure heart rate, and a system to contact paramedics from the watch.

The challenges include that the dry electrodes require a stiff material that could move on the skin, making it hard to get an accurate reading. Another problem is that dry electrodes tend to be very expensive and have high power consumption. The system also produces quite a bit of noise.

The dry electrodes could irritate the skin of the user, the electrodes could be bumped or moved, causing interference to the heart rate reading, or the system to contact paramedics could malfunction and the patient would not receive the necessary medical attention.

Clinical Feasibility

Many dry electrode systems have been tested but none have been universally accepted. The use of flexible polymers, a single chip instrumentation amplifier that uses less power and noise, and placing the electrode on the wrist in a rubber band could help solve the problems others encountered when developing a successful dry electrode. If all these changes are used, it should work in clinical trial.

A major risk is that the resistance from the dry electrode could cause irritation to the skin.

Many people have tested dry electrode systems since 1973. In 2008, polydimethylsiloxane was used and worn around the wrist and did not show signs of irritation over a period of one week and also, showed sustainability without the chemical of the skin interfering with it. A version of the electrode using microneedles was tested but when the needles broke it caused infection and inaccurate readings.

One of the major advantages of having a dry electrode system is that it is exceptionally more accurate than a photoplethysmography (PPG) sensor which is the technology used in the designs of leading competition.

Fundability Criteria

Technical feasibility 2 There are many types of electrodes being tested, but finding the most effective one will require some time and money but shouldn’t be too difficult or expensive.
Clinical feasibility 2 There have been many successes in dry electrode systems, but all have encountered some problems. Some research will be required but success is likely.

Market Analysis

Value Creation

The prototype creates value for the customer because it combines the abilities of two devices into a single device. Since this device is marketed toward older individuals or individuals at risk for health emergencies, they may already be looking at acquiring two devices. Those who are interested in having these technologies in a single stylish device would save money as well as body landscape. A device with these combined services would also encourage elderly individuals to stay at home instead of moving into retirement homes. The dry electrode system could also monitor heart rate more accurately than other, similar devices. And by skipping the middleman-like response center and going straight to the local emergency center like a phone call does, total cost for the customer will be reduced for this technology, as well as eliminating the idea of a contract and monthly bill.

Manufacturing Cost

Dry Electrode Cost: $2.50 per electrode x 3 = $7.50

Watch Design Cost: about $76.50 (direct materials and manufacturing)

MCU,32-Bit ARM Cortex-M3, 48MHz, 128KB RAM, 8-Channel 12-Bit ADC,93 GPIOs-SILICON LABORATORIES INC ($9.53)

Display Window 1.26" Diagonal ($20.50)

Display Module 1.26" Diagonal ($7.05)

Bluetooth USB Dongle Bluetooth V4.0, Contains Texas Instruments CC2540 - (Qty: 1) ($1.84)

Accelerometer / Gyroscope / Magnetometer 9-axis Motion Tracking, INVENSENSE INC-(Qty: 1) ($6.62)

Amplifier, Op Amp 1.8V, 7MHz, Low Offset, Rail-to-Rail, TEXAS INSTRUMENTS (Qty: 2) ($0.36 x 2 = $0.72)

GPS Receiver Single Chip, 66-Channel GPS GNSS / QZSS / SBAS, ARM 7 CPU, w/ Built in LNA, w/ 16 GPIOs - MEDIATEK INC-(Qty: 1) ($39.95)

Total Cost= $84.00

Sales Price

We believe our ASP should be $200.00 because it fits the current selling market for similar devices and gives us a good return for the money we put into production.

Market Size

100% Market Size: (27,612,000 people) x ($116) = $3,202,992,000

5% Market Size: (1,380,600 people) x ($116) = $160,149,600

(CDC, 2017)

Fundability Criteria

Market size 1 $160,080,000

Fundability Discussion

Customer validation 1 We have not received any customer feedback yet.
Market size 1 $160,080,000
Competition 2 There are competitors that have similar ideas but do not include all of the technology and features that we want in our device.
IP Position 1 No patents have been filed for this device but there are patents for similar technology.
Technical feasibility 2 There are many types of electrodes being tested, but finding the most effective one will require some time and money but shouldn’t be too difficult or expensive.
Clinical feasibility 2 There have been many successes in dry electrode systems, but all have encountered some problems. Some research will be required but success is likely.
Our prototype should be funded because there isn’t any major issues with our fundability criteria. We also believe that our device will be highly sought after due to its unique combination of two devices already in use. Also, the technology used in our device is more accurate than the competition.