BME100 s2014:W Group8 L3

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Gabriela Coote
Brianna Snyder
Ethan J. Wheeler
Yesenia Meadows
Chloe Houlihan


Descriptive Statistics

Mean: 97.01
Standard Deviation: 1.08
Standard Error:0.06

Mean: 96.5
Standard Deviation:2.0
Standard Error: 0.1

Heart Rate and Blood Pressure
Heart Rate
Watch Sensor
Mean: 112.3
Standard Deviation:13.5
Standard Error: 0.9

Pulse Oximeter
Mean: 90
Standard Deviation: 14
Standard Error: 1

Blood Pressure
Gold Standard
Mean: 119
Standard Deviation: 18
Standard Error: 1

Watch Sensor
Mean: 87
Standard Deviation: 16
Standard Error: 1


T-Test p-value: 1.0843 x 10^-5

Heart Rate and Blood Pressure
Heart Rate
T-Test p-value: 0.39468

Blood Pressure
T-Test p-value: 1.2309 x 10^-5


A t-test was performed because temperature was recorded in two different ways: through a sensor in the arm pit and a thermometer in the mouth. Since the p-value for temperature was 1.08 x 10^-5, which is smaller than the accepted value of 0.05, the difference between the oral thermometer and the sensor was statistically significant.

Heart Rate and Blood Pressure
A t-test was performed because both heart rate and blood pressure were recorded in two different ways: through the pulse oximeter and the wrist sensor for the heart rate and through the cuff and wrist sensor for the blood pressure. The p-value for the heart rate was found to be 0.39468, which is larger than 0.05. Based on this analysis we can conclude that there is no statistically significant difference between the measurements of the wrist sensor and the pulse oximeter. The p-value for the blood pressure was found to be 1.2309 x 10^-5, which is less than 0.05. Therefore, we can conclude that there is a statistically significant difference between measurements of blood pressure using a regular blood pressure cuff and the wrist sensor.


A Significant Flaw in the Temperature Measurement Device
Since we found that the difference between the oral thermometer and the sensor has a statistically significant difference, we can conclude that the sensor does not accurately measure a person's temperature. While using the sensor to measure temperature, it often unconnected from the app on our phones. This made it very hard to get a good reading. Another problem we had with the sensor was that it took a while for the sensor to change from room temperature to the temperature of the person's body.

Design Flaws
1) The RAIIN sensor was uncomfortable for the subject. This was because the sensor corners would dig into the skin of the underarm. In the future, a possible fix in the design is to make the device oval shaped so that the shape matches the contours of the underarm.
2) The RAIIN sensor needs to be able to function on its own without the use of the mobile application. As technology “hip” as it is, the lab found it tedious to continually have to connect to the sensor with the mobile phone. To fix this, we would suggest simply omitting the application from the device functionality.
3) The Oral Thermometer was too smooth. When the test subject put it in their mouth and bit down on it, it would slip out. A very suitable fix is to either use another means to take temperature (via the ear, for example) or by adding a small groove into the thermometer so that the teeth can clamp onto the device without any slippage.
4) The Omron Watch sensor design failed inflated too tightly and would often cause discomfort in the test subject. The sphygmomanometer in the device needs to be more precise in order to alleviate any pain the design could cause. By ensuring that the pressure measurements are being accurately collected by the device, the sensor will know to stop inflating; thus, fixing the flaw.


Target Population and Need

We will be targeting people that are trying to lose weight and people that are trying to stay fit and healthy. There is no easy device that will count your calorie intake or nutrient intake. Using traditional methods to count calories are unreliable and time consuming, and it is difficult to find nutrition facts for some foods.

Device Design

Image 1 shows the approximate design for the NutriTooth. The NutriTooth is a cap that will be placed on the back molars.

Image 2 shows the top view of the NutriTooth. As seen in the image, the NutriTooth will be approximately 4mm in diameter.

Image 3 shows the side view of the NutriTooth. As seen in the image, the NutriTooth will be approximately 11mm in length.


Protein Intake:
Participant     Women   Men
1               6	7
2               8	5
3               5	8
4               6	7
5               7	8
6               4	6
7               8	7
8               5	6
9               6	7
10              7	8

Crab Intake:
Participant     Women   Men
1               40      40
2	        33      45
3	        47	37
4	        44	42
5	        42	41
6	        39	45
7	        46	39
8	        42	36
9	        38	42
10	        44	41

Blood Sugar Levels:
Participant     Women   Men
1	        118	119
2	        110	122
3	        122	118
4	        120	121
5	        118	120
6	        120	124
7	        125	123
8	        121	125
9	        115	121
10	        123	119

Inferential Statistics

Protein Intake
p-value: 0.196394

Cab Intake
p-value: 0.670739

Blood Sugar Levels
p-value: 0.210189
