BME100 s2014:W Group8 L1

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Gabriela Coote
Brianna Snyder
Yesenia Meadows
Ethan J. Wheeler
Chloe Houlihan


Independent and Dependent Variables

The independent variable for this experiment is the dosage of lipopolysaccharide that is given, as the dosage is what is varied within each group. Consequently, the levels of inflammatory protein Inflammotin is the dependent variable, as these levels are the effects of the independent variable, the lipopolysaccharide.

Experimental Design


There will be four groups. The first group would receive 10 mg. The second would be 8 mg. The third would be 5 mg. The fourth would be the placebo group and would receive no lipopolysaccharide. The decreasing from 10 mg to 8 mg to 5 mg would be to provide enough difference between dosages to observe how much lipopolysaccharide is needed to still observe a difference. The placebo group would be to see if the lipopolysaccharide is making a difference in the production of Inflammotin.


All participants will be over the age of 65 because at the age of 65 people are considered senior citizens by the country.

Number of subjects per group

Each group will consist of ten people to provide enough data to conduct accurate, repetitive calculations.

Subject Selection

Forty participations will consist of a random sampling of people over 65 within Tempe. Groups will be determined through a random drawing. Ten people will be chosen for each of the four groups by drawing a number one through four.

Sources of Error and Bias

Since the experiment is being performed in Tempe this data is not necessarily representative of people all over the country because of different environmental factors. Because of the lack of money, this experiment is biased to the people within Tempe and the amount of people that can be included in the experiment. A source of error is the participants could have prior diseases or disorders because many elderly have pre-existing health problems, which could react with the drug negatively. Another error would arise from reactions with other medications that participants are already on. A third error could be the individual tolerances to the lipopolysaccharide. To help alleviate these errors a survey could be required that would ask for information such as current health issues and medications and any known tolerances to medications.