BME100 s2014:W Group6 L2

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Group 6

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Descriptive Statistics

Experiment 1

Dosage in Humans 3.834 8.932 61.622 657.941

Average Inflammotin (pg/ml) 3.834 8.932 61.622 657.941

Standard Deviation 1.52301018 1.59393155 30.1106939 212.942976

Standard Error 0.48161811 0.50404541 9.52183745 67.3384817

Experiment 2

Dosage in rats 0mg 10mg

Average Inflammotin (pg/ml) 10.516 11.112

Standard Deviation 2.22555162 7.40288592

Standard Error 0.99529694 3.31067123


Experiment 1
Post-hoc Tests 0mg vs 5mg 0mg vs 10mg 0mg vs 15mg 5mg vs 10mg 5mg vs 15mg 10mg vs 15mg

t-test value 8.59631E-07 9.94377E-06 1.39436E-08 3.01859E-05 1.57101E-08 6.4824E-08

Corrected p-value 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125


Experiment 2

Inferential data for the rats: P- Value from t-test = 0.8674035


Experiment 1
ANOVA was used because there are greater than two treatment groups being compared. The ANOVA test gave an extremely low p-value, indicating that there was a significant difference between the groups in inflammotin response. Next, the Bonferroni correction yielded the corrected p-value of 0.0125. The resulting p-values from multiple t-tests were all lower from the corrected p-value, indicating that there is a significant difference in inflammotin response for every single treatment group. Put in simple terms, this means that it could be confidently stated that for every 5mg change in dosage there was a change in inflammotin response

Experiment 2
The descriptive data for the rats appears to indicate that there is not a significant difference between 0mg and 10mg. Furthermore, the t-test for the rats (which was used because there are only two treatment groups) gave a p-value of 0.8674035 which is very high, far above 0.05. Therefore, the null hypothesis is accepted and it cannot be said that there is a significant difference between the treatment groups


Our data shows that raising the dosage of LPS by 5mg increments in humans results in significant changes in inflammotin, meaning that patients requiring stronger medication may be sufficiently helped through 5mg dosage increases; however, this is not the case in the rats. Even more surprising, is that no change was found in rats for an even larger difference in dosage – 10mg. Perhaps this indicates that rats have some natural resistance to the drug.