BME100 s2014:W Group5 L2

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Name: Juan B.
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Name: Naomi Walliman
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Name: Your name
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Name: Your name


Descriptive Statistics

The purpose of this experiment is to find out the minimum LPS dosage required in order to have a significant effect on blood inflammotin concentration. We had a look at two broad groups in our study – humans and rats. These groups were then separated into subgroups according to treatment. Analysis of results is as follows:


Inflammotin (pg/ml)

0mg 5mg 10mg 15mg

5.23 10.72 100.19 793.17
1.01 9.29 75.92 476.67
4.23 8.46 23.46 771.45
1.87 10.19 70.87 795.09
3.67 7.29 19.27 181.27
2.98 7.54 99.65 752.78
5.83 8.67 38.37 934.23
5.24 6.15 76.26 554.87
4.27 10.92 35.25 692.23
4.01 10.09 76.98 627.65
AVERAGE 3.834 8.932 61.622 657.941
Std. DEV
1.523010177 1.593931547 30.11069386 212.943
Std. Error
0.481618106 0.504045412 9.521837451 67.33848

Anova: Single Factor

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
0mg 10 38.34 3.834 2.31956
5mg 10 89.32 8.932 2.540618
10mg 10 616.22 61.622 906.6539
15mg 10 6579.41 657.941 45344.71

Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 3027017 3 1009006 87.2536 1.4E-16 2.866266
Within Groups 416306 36 11564.06

Total 3443323 39

Grouping P-value Adjusted P-value Significant?
0-5 8.59631E-07 0.008333333 Y
0-10 9.94377E-06 0.008333333 Y
0-15 1.39436E-08 0.008333333 Y
5-10 3.01859E-05 0.008333333 Y
5-15 1.57101E-08 0.008333333 Y
10-15 6.4824E-08 0.008333333 Y


Inflammotin (pg/ml)
0mg 5mg
9.24 22.34
8.76 6.45
8.78 14.23
13.5 3.55
12.3 8.99

Doses Average Standard Deviation Standard Error T-Test
0 mg 10.516 2.225551617 0.995296941 0.8674035
10 mg 11.112 7.402885924 3.310671231


Experiment 1

For our human trials, we had five different treatment groups receiving 0mg, 5mg, 10mg or 15mg of LPS. P-score analysis of every possible combination of these groups showed a statistically significant difference (p < 0.008333333) for each and every one of these pairings as well as the ANOVA. Based on these numbers we can predict that treatment will have an effect on blood inflammotin levels and that the higher the dosage (up to 15mg), the greater the response.

Experiment 2

Rat trials were slightly less complicated as we only compared treatments of 0mg and 10mg of LPS. The p-value between these two groups is 0.867 – this is not statistically significant and so the treatment is deemed to have no effect.