BME100 s2014:W Group20 L3

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Name: Bjorn Houman
Name: Your name
Name: Your name
Name: Your name
Name: Your name


Descriptive Statistics

Groups 1-17

Mean Pre-Walk Heart Rate (bpm) (bpm=beats per minute)

Gold Standard: 78.8

Standard Deviation: 13.8

Standard Error: 1.5

Spree: 80.2

Standard Deviation: 15.8

Standard Error: 2.1

Mean Walk Heart Rate (bpm)

Gold Standard: 103.2

Standard Deviation: 24.7

Standard Error: 2.5

Spree: 105.1

Standard Deviation: 25.6

Standard Error: 2.9

Mean Cool Down Heart Rate (bpm)

Gold Standard: 87.7

Standard Deviation: 18.5

Standard Error: 2.9

Spree: 88.6

Standard Deviation: 18.1

Standard Error: 3.4

Groups 18-34

Mean Pre-Walk Heart Rate (bpm)

Gold Standard: 72.4

Standard Deviation: 14.3

Standard Error: 2.3

Spree: 78.7

Standard Deviation: 15.4

Standard Error: 2.6

Mean Walk Heart Rate (bpm)

Gold Standard: 94.6

Standard Deviation: 17.3

Standard Error: 1.8

Spree: 95.1

Standard Deviation: 17.1

Standard Error: 1.9

Mean Cool Down Heart Rate (bpm)

Gold Standard: 77.8

Standard Deviation: 18.6

Standard Error: 3.0

Spree: 77.7

Standard Deviation: 16.6

Standard Error: 2.9




This experiment was not conducted in a laboratory setting and led to many issues with extraneous variables. Anxiety/embarrassment caused by passing by certain people or social groups would lead to spikes in heart rate and temperature when taking measurements. This could be improved by setting up a walking route where it would be cleared of all other pedestrians. Also, certain groups took certain routes which may have been more tedious (ex:stairs, ramps, etc.) causing variability in results. This could also be fixed by having a set route. Outliers could have been created by test being conducted on individuals of lower health who would experience higher spikes in temperature and heart rate when taking readings while walking. To prevent this, subjects could be limited to those in a predetermined range of health (resting heart rate, weight, etc). Issues arose with the Blu Tooth connection dropping between the Spree and iPhone, this issue could be reduced by having a consistent distance between the subject and the experiment proctor. Also results may have been skewed by Blu Tooth signals being mixed when groups passed near each other; again this could be fixed by having a one way set route where no groups would intersect.


Target Population and Need

Device Design

Inferential Statistics
