BME100 s2014:T Group9 L2

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Name: Katherine Underwood
Name: Cassaundra Kinnear
Name: Kyle Queen
Name: Mohammed Binshelail
Name: Shawn Garcia


Descriptive Statistics

Experiment 1

0mg: 3.834
5mg: 8.932
10mg: 61.622
15mg: 657.941

0mg: 1.523010177
5mg: 1.593931547
10mg: 30.11069386
15mg: 212.9429762

Experiment 2

0mg: 10.516
10mg: 11.112

0mg: 2.225551617
10mg: 7.402885924


Experiment 1

0vs5: 8.59631E-07
0vs10: 9.94377E-06
0vs15: 1.39436E-08
5vs10: 3.01859E-05
5vs15: 1.57101E-08
10vs15: 6.4824E-08

P-VALUE: 1.40083E-16


Experiment 2

T-TEST (RATS): 0.867403497


Experiment 1
Looking at the means, it becaome evident that there was a major leap between the doseages given. While the difference between 0mg and 5 mg did not seem large, it continued to incline. the difference between the averages of 0mg and 15mg appeared to be over 654, which appeared to be large compared to the started average of 3.834 for 0mg. The variance between 10mg and 15mg seemed boundless by having almost 596.3 which is a resounding difference. Lastly, that means that the defects of the dosage takes place in short amounts at first but when it gets to a certain point "15" it jumps through the roof. Those results were based on the averages of the experiment on humans. Their standard deviation rates are: 0mg = 1.5, 5mg = 1.6, 10mg = 30.1, 15mg = 213. From what is indicated, the variance is so great that the last dosage equals almost 6 times more than the one before.

Experiment 2
In this experiment, the subject that are experimented on are rats (not humans). And the statistic showed that the use of the protein does not seem as inflammable as in humans. We crunched the numbers on humans to see if they would be suited with this protein but it seemed that the effects of dosage are acute. However, in rats the matter differs greatly as we put 10mg from 0mg, which is basically an inferior amount, it seemed that the results were shocking. Only a 0.6 difference between the two dosages in terms of their average. According to the graph, their standard deviation is quite distinct and the difference between them is pretty reasonable. 5.2.. is the factor between them which shows that not every result from dosage use can be as much as the standard deviation of that dosage.


After looking at the data from experiment one. It is evident that the protein levels in humans is greatly effected by the drug. This obviously proves that the medication is doing what it is intended. On the other hand, the rat tests show that the medication provides inconsistent results that in no way statistically prove that the medication is causing the changes in the rats protein levels. Comparing the two experiments reveals that the medication effects different creatures in different ways, if at all. As stated, humans see an increase in protein levels, while rats seem to have no bodily changes.