BME100 s2014:T Group9 L1

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Name: Katherine Underwood
Name: Cassaundra Kinnear
Name: Mohammad Binshelail
Name: Kyle Queen
Name: Shawn Garcia


Independent and Dependent Variables

The independent variables of the experiment is the dose of the inflammation inducing agent, lipopolysaccharide. The dependent variable is the amount of the inflammatory protein, Inflammotin.

Experimental Design

50 individuals will be administered a set dose of lipopolysaccharide in order to test how much is needed to increase the protein Inflammotin. The medication will be administered at fixed times throughout a 4 month period. After each month and prior to the experiment, blood samples will be taken from each participant in order to test the amount of Inflammotin in the blood. After each test, the amount of Inflammotin will be compared to the previous tests and the data will be interpreted to determine the lowest dose of lipopolysaccharide needed to increase the amount of Inflammotin in the elderly.


5 Groups

12mg dose

10mg dose

8mg dose

6mg dose

4mg dose

Since 10mg has been shown to increase Infammotin levels, we have chosen to have 3 groups under 10mg to see how low doses can be to increase protein levels. We also made a 12mg group just to test the effects on the Inflammotin levels when someone has over the previously tested 10mg amount.


50 Men

10 Men 56-60

10 Men 61-65

10 Men 66-70

10 Men 71-75

10 Men 76-80

50 Women

10 Women 56-60

10 Women 61-65

10 Women 66-70

10 Women 71-75

10 Women 76-80

Number of subjects per group:

20 Members per group

Subject Selection

Subjects will be randomly selected from hospitals in the area in order to satisfy the amount of subjects tested and fulfill the gender, age, and health requirements. All of the subjects will have previously stated they are willing to participate in this experiment prior to being selected.

Sources of Error and Bias

Potential error could come from many different areas. When pulling subjects from a hospital, there could be many different biases. There could be a stronger correlation towards people who have preexisting conditions because of the nature of the location. Some preexisting conditions could skew the results in one direction, or the other. This could also bring a larger variety of preexisting conditions to look at and see how the independent variable reacts with these conditions. If there appears to be a correlation between certain illnesses and odd lab results, the test will be repeated using different subjects, who are still selected randomly.

There also could be bias when dealing with how the samples are given. In attempt to rid the test of any bias, a double blind study would be used so as to keep the administrator from giving any intentional or unintentional hints to the subjects.

Dietary habits might also have an effect on the subject's results. Because of this, the subjects will be asked to follow a suggested diet, planed by the testers. We will also give them a notebook to record their meals for each day.