BME100 s2014:T Group4 L1

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Brian D. Kalen
Daniel N. Munoz
Parker W. Davis
Rakan S. Aldossary
Michael Spina


Independent and Dependent Variables

    The independent variable is the dosage of the drug LPS because it is the factor that is being manipulated in each group.

    The dependent variable is the levels of the inflammation by measuring the protein Inflammotin in the blood becuase it has been shown to be affected by the drug in the experiment.

Experimental Design


    We will be doing tests on four groups in this study. We will have a control group of 10 mg and 3 experimental doses of LPS below the 10 mg guide


    The participants of this study must be age 65 or older. We want to make sure the subjects were indeed elderly and at least the age of retirement to reduce stressors which could also cause inflammation.

Number of subjects per group

    There will be 10 test subjects per group. This is a sufficient number to determine if there is significant differences between the doses.

Subject Selection

    Subjects must be healthy with no previous cases of inflammtory issues.
    Subjects will be chosen at random from a list of willing participants by a random number generator. This will help avoid the bias of picking participants by hand.
    Baseline measurements of the protein will be taken for each subject before the drug is administered.
    Subjects in Group 1 will be given a dose of 3 mg of LPS. Subjects in Group 2 will be given a dose of 5 mg of LPS. Subjects in Group 3 will be given a dose of 8 mg of LPS. Subjects in Group 4 will be given a dose of 10 mg of LPS for a control.  

Sources of Error and Bias

    Error 1 could have come in time variances between ingestion of drug and protein measurements.
    Error 2 could come from the time of day the drug is administered.
    Error 3 could come from how recently they had ate before ingesting the drug. 
    Time variance error can be diminished by each subject taking their dose at a certain time so there will be no backup at the blood test.
    Time of day error could be avoided by taking their baseline at the same time of day that they are scheduled to take the drug.
    Error 3 could be resolved by having them eat a certain amount of calories before they take the dosage.