BME100 s2014:T Group15 L1
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OUR TEAMLAB 1 WRITE-UPIndependent and Dependent VariablesIndependent variables: Drug amount The amount of drugs given to the patient is the factor that is changed and being tested. Dependent variables: Inflammotin protein The change in protein is what is effected by the amount of drugs delivered. Experimental DesignGroups Group 1: 0 mg Group 2: 3 mg Group 3: 6 mg Group 4: 10 mg These increments were chosen to determine the lowest dosage of LPS needed to increase the inflammotin in the elderly, with 10 mg already been proven to be effective. Age Range: 70 years old - 80 years old This age bracket was selected to include the relatively healthy elderly and exclude the decline in health which comes with increase in age.
10 subjects per group The amount of subjects in each group allows a wider range of variation in the results but will not use too many of the limited resources.
Subject SelectionRelatively healthy: no subjects with major health issues and determined by medical records. Gender - 50-50 The gender will be 50-50 in each group, therefore 5 females and 5 males in each group, to eliminate this as a factor of influence on the effects of the drug. Locations - Phoenix area The location is local because of the limited resources and to keep the testing controlled and organized. The rest of the criteria and subject selection will be random within these constraints, including race.
Sources of Error and Biasbias/error: The skewing of the results/projecting what the researcher wants from the results onto the data being collected. control: The subjects nor researcher will know the amount of drug administered to each group, just that they are taking a pill. The subjects will know what the study is for but not which group they are participating in or the amount of drug in their pill. bias/error: The various health’s of the subjects even within the relatively healthy restraint. control: The number of subjects per group will help balance the difference in the health’s of the subjects. bias/error: How often and long the subjects take the pill and their blood is drawn. control: The subject’s blood will be drawn before the experiment and every group will take the pill for a month with their blood being drawn every seven days. They will come in for the pill administration and blood draw to make sure they don't forget and so the timing is consistent throughout the groups.