BME100 s2014:T Group14 L2

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Name: Wade Savage
Name: Caitlin R. Byrne
Name: Megan S. McGuire
Name: Theodore J. Hall
Name: Your name


Descriptive Statistics

Experiment 1
The average of inflammotin levels increase exponentially as the dosage increases as well as the standard deviation. The information can be seen in the PDF file. Side note: Without and statistical evidence, it seems as if age has a correlation as well.

Experiment 2
The averages of inflammotin of different doses are close in value while the standard deviations differ more. Therefore, the information is inconclusive. More detail on the information can be seen on the PDF file. Side note: Unlike the human trials, the ages of the rats were not included.


Experiment 1
Results of the effect of LPS on human inflammotin levels can be shown on the graph presented in the PDF.

Experiment 2
Results of the effect LPS on rat inflammotin levels can be shown on the graph presented in the PDF.


Experiment 1

Experiment 2


The two clinical trials between rats and elderly both yielded increased levels of inflammotin in the blood, however, there is a significant statistical difference between them. Examining the p-value, the human trial resulted in much more reliable statistics (p-value= 1.4 * 10^-16) than the rat study (p-value=0.590027). Therefore if a second clinical trial were to be constructed from the basis of these two trials, it should follow a model of the human clinical trials and not one of the rat trial. Concerning the variation in dosage of the LPS, scalar similarities exist between the two studies. In humans, when the dosage increased to 10mg the inflammotin levels greatly increased from their values at a 5mg dosage. In the rat study, the levels increased at a 10mg dosage comparative to the placebo (0mg dose), although not to the degree found in the human study. This indicates that, if a second trial were to be constructed, the rat study should have more dosage increments between 0mg and 10mg with additional increments greater than 10mg. This will allow more data points to analyze the levels of inflammotin in the rats blood. In conclusion, LPS showed increased levels of inflammotin in the blood in both trials, therefore it would be constructive to conclude that LPS could be clinically applied to raise levels of inflammation in the blood of the elderly.