BME100 s2014:T Group12 L2

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Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Name: Casey Weigel
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Name: Spencer Brown
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Name: Kevin Haas
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Name: Mariama Salifu
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Name: Davis Matthews


Descriptive Statistics

Experiment 1
See the pdf for statistics.

Experiment 2
See the pdf for statistics.


Experiment 1
It is statistically significant. See pdf for more information.

Experiment 2
It is not statistically significant. See pdf for more information.


Experiment 1
This experiment has shown that LPS has a positive correlation on Inflammotin. The p-value, 1.40E-16, for the ANOVA test is well below the Bonfferroni correction of 0.00833. We are more than 99% confident that LPS has a positive correlation on Inflammotin production in an elderly human body.

Experiment 2
This experiment has shown that LPS has no correlation on INflammotin. The p-value, 0.867, for the T-Test is well above the established 0.05 limit. We are not confident that LPS has a correlation on Inflammotin production in rats.


The results show that in humans LPS has a significant affect on Inflammotin production, but does not have a significant affect in rats. A probable reason that LPS only had a significant affect in one organism is that the two organisms are genetically different.