BME100 s2014:Projects5 addendum

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In Lab Report 5, under the Data Analysis section, include all of the following header plus text that starts underneath the *****. Fill in the blank spaces and answer the questions/ prompts in your own words


PCR Results Summary

Instructor's summary: You completed 8 PCR reactions in a previous lab. You used the SYBR Green I staining and imaging technique to measure the amount of amplified DNA in each PCR reaction. You used a standard curve (based on known concentrations of calf thymus DNA) to convert INTDEN values into DNA concentration. Your positive control and negative control samples should be used as threshold values for determining whether an unknown (patient) sample is truly positive or negative.

  • Your positive control PCR result was ____ μg/mL
  • Your negative control PCR result was ____ μg/mL

Write-in each patient ID and give both a qualitative (what the images looked like) and a quantitative description (μg/mL) of what you observed

  • Patient _____ :
  • Patient _____ :

Compare each patient's results to the positive control value and the negative control value. Draw a final conclusion for each patient (positive or negative) and explain why you made that conclusion.

  • Patient _____ :
  • Patient _____ :