BME100 f2017:Group5 W1030 L1
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OUR TEAMLAB 1 WRITE-UPHealth Care IssueA technology is only as effective as the way it is used--a prime example of this fact is sunscreen. A widely known unfortunate truth is that people do not reapply sunscreen as often as necessary; this leads to a significant increase of risk for sunburn and skin cancer. The sun is commonly known to emit UVA, UVB, and UVC rays, the last of which is protected against by the atmosphere. However, UVA and UVB are still both extremely harmful to people, as they can cause sunburns and (worse) skin cancer (Sunburn: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment: In fact, skin cancer is the most common type of cancer according to the American Cancer Society (Skin Cancer:, affecting a wide amount of people. Even though it can be prevented by proper use of sunscreen, many people ignore the fact that reapplication of sunscreen after some time is an integral part of skin protection. According to the US National Library of Medicine, a study researching adults' compliance with recommended sunscreen usage found that although ~49.8% of adults did wear the recommended sunscreen, only ~20.4% of (or ~10.2% overall) actually reapplied the sunscreen at the recommended 2 hour mark (Compliance with Sunscreen Advice: The American Academy of Dermatologists says that 20% of Americans will have skin cancer at some point in their lives (Study: Most Americans Don't Use Sunscreen With the US Census' Bureau's count of around 326 million Americans, that means that 65 million people and counting are affected, either now or in the future (Population: The new technology developed by this group will serve to decrease the chances of both sunburn and skin cancer by encouraging people to reapply sunscreen as recommended, ensuring more and longer protection against harmful UVA and UVB rays. This will be a sort of temporary "tattoo" on the body that changes in a certain way to serve as a visual, unobtrusive reminder to reapply sunscreen that can serve all ages. This way, our group hopes to reduce the cases of skin cancer and sunburns for children and adults alike by making sure that users are reminded to reapply sunscreen and continue effective coverage from UVA and UVB rays for the duration of the exposure.
Customer Validation1. 1. Phoenix Children's Hospital Cancer Center- I chose them because they treat children with cancer which is exactly what our sunscreen idea is trying to tackle. They would like this because it would decrease the risk of cancer in children.>Hospitals&utm_adgroup=Western>About>BMM&utm_term=%2Bphoenix%20%2Bcancer%20%2Bhospital&utm_matchtype=b&k_clickid=b4944c1d-1e24-4db6-a66e-6b70714e22e5&k_profid=422&k_kwid=3979843&gclid=CjwKEAjwxJnNBRCMqNXM6vKAq1wSJADxf_5BLfm-C9aPCos3_p1vgTSjrQJjfyIf8ZaJoE5NxbCeShoCiUnw_wcB 2. Dr Jennifer Linder 3. Advanced dermatology and and Cosmetic Surgery would like this product because they could give the product to a person who needs to put on sunscreen and they would also get a profit off of the product because children and adults would love to buy the product to add a creative thing to their life. 4. Mayo Clinic Cancer Center, Dr. Ahn, Daniel H. D.O. would also enjoy having this product. Like the Phoenix Children's Hospital, this would be given to children and adults to help them reduce the risk of sunscreen and enjoy their tattoo. 5. Robert D. Griego 6.Daniel Skinner 7. Dr. Joseph S. Janik 8. The Honor Health hospital at Shea Cancer Center would give this product to anyone who has skin cancer and it would remind them to apply sunscreen and add a fun part to their day. 9. Wolk Burrell H 10. Camelback Dermatology & Skin Surgery 11. A to Z Dermatology 12. English Dermatology Mesa 13. Phoenix Children's Museum would also enjoy this product as people can walk in and enjoy the museum and as they walk out they can buy the product to protect them from the suns rays and allow them to have a cool reminder of that day. 14. The Skin Care Foundation 15. American Society of Clinical Oncology 16. American Cancer Society 17. Omni Dermatology, Inc. 18.National Cancer Institute 19. Cancer Support Group 20. Susan G. Komen for the Cure
-Many sunscreens claim to provide “all day” protection, and although this may not be true customers will buy this sunscreen because it is easier than reapplying throughout the day. This also serves as a disadvantage as this is a less expensive product, because you do not have to buy separate temporary tattoos to go along with the sunscreen. -A company called Sunburn Alert has invented a way to use stickers that change color upon UV exposure. This would compete with our tattoo idea, because stickers have a very similar technology to temporary tattoos and kids will often choose the product based on how it looks, rather than the actual effectiveness. ( (
IP PositionTemporary Tattoos: Sunscreen recipes: (waterproof/ and expired) Sun Blocking Tattoo (expired) The market for sunscreen has many patents, most of which are different recipes for sunscreens ( Furthermore, sunscreen has been on the market for so long that most of the patents have expired. Additionally, there are also patents for temporary tattoos application technology, which is expired as well ( Additionally, there is an expired patent for sun blocking tattoos ( While this is not the method in which our tattoo would work to prevent sun burns and related complications, it is worth noting. However, with a distinct enough sun block recipe we should have very little issue with our IP position.
Fundability Worksheet ScoresCompetitors In terms of competitors, there are not many in play; the idea behind this product, as well as its usage/purpose (to warn the user of when to reapply sunscreen) and application (the specifics of it being a tattoo, as well as how the product works), are very unique, so our group awards the product at least a 2 because of these factors. However, there do exist one major competitor (the pen, the drawings of which turn another color on the user's skin to remind them that it is time to reapply) and one minor one, included largely because they serve the same purpose as our product (the stickers that change color when it is time to reapply, largely discounted for their impracticality and poor customer responses). Since there does exist some competition in this niche, our idea can not yet confidently be awarded a score of 3. Thus, a score of 2 will be awarded at this time.
In this field, the group's idea would receive a 1 at this point, as there will be no actual interviews conducted to find measure the response of potential customers. A list was compiled to this end, but since our group will not actually be talking to them, a score of 1 will be awarded in this field to keep a neutral score in this category.
For this category, the group decided to award a score of 2. Although there are a fair amount of patents involving sunscreen and temporary tattoos, most of these are expired. Not only this, but there are few products similar to ours--the closest found was a completely different web-type technology of UV-blocking tattoos, which also serves a different purpose than our sunscreen reapplication-warning temporary tattoos. Thus, the patent field is promising, with few to no potential roadblocks, awarding this product at least a 2, but since we ourselves have not yet filed for a patent to cover our proposed idea, a score of 3 can not yet be attained.