BME100 f2017:Group13 W1030 L2

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Daniel Beltran
Matt Castile
Catalina Pardo
Brenna Toshner
Nivina Warner


Device Image and Description

Pictured above is our prototype. It is the robotic arm component of our project. All dimensions are to scale. The spheres function in the way joints would, the fingers and palm have different textures allowing for the proper grip for picking up or putting down objects. The arm mainly functions through the movement of spheres, allowing for full 360-degree motion.
Pictured above is our drawing of the prototype. It breaks down the individual parts and dimensions and how they connect together.
Pictured above is a full scale drawing of the robotic arm as a whole.

Technical and Clinical Feasibility

Technical Feasibility

Some of the technologies needed for the robotic arm are sensors, bluetooth connection, working circuits, and functioning mechanics. The sensors used will connect directly to the skin, preferably about the size of a dime. The bluetooth will connect the sleeve to the robotic arm and make them function together. Circuits will be within the sleeve in order to connect all sensors to one another. Mechanics will be used to give the arm mobility. Some challenges are finding a compact battery that will hold a charge for at least 24 hours without being plugged in. Finding cheap, but durable materials that fit the needs for the arm. The sleeve has to be fitted to the arm, always compressing in order for the sensors to function. It will have to be waterproof. Another challenge is that there may be a learning curve for some of the patients. Learning how to use and feel comfortable in it will also pose a challenge. Some things that could go wrong could be that the strength of the robotic arm could be either too strong for certain objects, or too weak for other objects. The sensors may misinterpret the information, or glitch in certain events, as well as the bluetooth connection could also possibly fail.

Clinical Feasibility

In the clinic, the prototype will function, but may not work to the extent it is expected to. The clinical risks involved would be the ones relating to patient safety, for example the patient may not be ready for the use of the arm. If the person does not practice how to handle it, it will become an issue. Similar clinical trials have been a wheelchair mounted robotic arm. It lasted from August 2010 till July 2011.1 As well as a Brain Wave control of a Wearable Robotic arm that is currently in trial. It started in December 2016 and is estimated to be finished in July 2018.2

Market Analysis

Value Creation

The prototype shows the customer that we are capable of making a great product that is designed to fit any specific needs. It enables him/her to also give any opinions or thoughts on our design before we send it into mass production. The prototype also provides the customer with the ability to socially interact with other humans when given the chance. Most people affected with Cerebral Palsy never get the chance to just enjoy a meal face-to-face with they caretaker simultaneously enjoying food. Our prototype bridges that gap and gives the patient a chance to independently eat while being able to socialize, allowing them to feel like they belong to the world around them.

Manufacturing Cost

The cost to create this design would probably come out to be around $2,660. The compression material needed for the sleeve would be approximately $20, the robotic arm would cost about $2,500 to make, the sensors needed for the sleeve combined with the circuits would cost around $50, the bluetooth device needed would be approximately $20, the circuits within the sleeves would cost around $20 and the battery would cost around $50.

Sales Price

The anticipated average sales price would be about $13,300. This is because the cost to make the product is around $2,660 and in order to determine the ASP that value should be multiplied by 5 which would come out to be $13,300.

Market Size

The market size would roughly be $150,000,000 per year which would score a 1 on the fundability worksheet.

Fundability Discussion

Under the category of Market Size, the product would receive a score of one because the market size in dollars per year is $150,000,000 which falls between the $80,000,000 and $200,000,000 parameters. Under the category of Technical Feasibility, the product would receive a score of 1 because it’s expensive to produce however the challenges would easily be overcome with a reasonable amount of time and practice. Under the category of Clinical Feasibility, the product would most likely receive a 2 because the clinical success of this product is highly likely but still would involve research. Taking these scores into consideration, our prototype should not be funded as it scored too low on the fundability worksheet.


1) “Experimental Evaluation of Wheelchair-Mounted Robotic Arms (HRI).” Experimental Evaluation of Wheelchair-Mounted Robotic Arms - Tabular View -, 13 Sept. 2010,

2)“Brainwave Control of a Wearable Robotic Arm for Rehabilitation and Neurophysiological Study in Cervical Spine Injury (CSI:Brainwave).” Brainwave Control of a Wearable Robotic Arm for Rehabilitation and Neurophysiological Study in Cervical Spine Injury - Full Text View -, 5 May 2015,