BME100 f2016:Group7 W8AM L6

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Name: Keon Okyere
Name: Janai Crisostomo
Name: Lindsay Lee
Name: Ryan Pomeroy
Name: student
Name: student

KJLR EcoTech


Bayesian Statistics

Overview of the Original Diagnosis System

There were 14 teams, each containing 4-5 students. Each team diagnosed for two patients, giving a total of 28 patients. In the lab, 3 replicates of the patient's DNA and 3 replicates of positive and negative control were used. ImageJ was used to analyzed the multiple photos. To prevent error and contamination of samples, we used gloves and exchanged plastic, micro pipette tips. PCR controls are indicators of whether the experiment is being conducted correctly. The more drop images taken meant the more accurate and reliable our ImageJ calculations were. Our group took three PCR images for each sample. As a class, the data displayed an equal disbursement of positive and negative conclusions. ImageJ had complications that could have possibly affected our data, but overall, the lab went successful.

What Bayes Statistics Imply about This Diagnostic Approach

Given that the probability of a patient receiving a positive SNP final test and positive PCR reactions, we are able to conclude that calculations 1 showed reliable results. The calculation 2 results imply that the PCR replicate is reliable. Given the results of calculation 3 it is observed that the PCR is unreliable.

Intro to Computer-Aided Design

3D Modeling

Our Design

Our design is more eco-friendly than the original design of the PCR machine. We made it green to represent the biodegradability of our product and to make it stand out from other PCR designs. Our machine is also a fraction of the size of the standard PCR design which makes it more portable and easier to manage. We redesigned the lid to make it more simple for the user to perform the PCR with accuracy and precision.

Feature 1: Consumables

The main issue with the consumable was that the process was very wasteful, but also necessary to avoid cross contamination. So our company manufactures biodegradable slides and pipette attachments to make our PCR more environmentally friendly.

Feature 2: Hardware - PCR Machine & Fluorimeter

Our PCR machines exterior walls and also interior electronics are 3/5ths the size of the original PCR design. Also the walls of or PCR are biodegradable and simple to assemble. We redesigned the lid to be a translucent dome that allows the user to see the thermal plate press against the PCR tubes. This way the user can be assured that they are performing the PCR correctly. Our machine incorporates the fluorimeter and PCR into one. The PCR will included attachments that allow the user to turn it into a flourimeter. These attachments include a camera, a blacked out dome lid that keeps light out and a florimeter attachment that will be placed under the dome on the PCR machine. The camera includes a USB port to make it simple and easy to access the pictures of the solutions.