The health care issue we are dealing with is Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. ADD/ADHD are very similar however ADHD deals with patients feeling hyperactive. According to WebMD, this is caused by the neurotransmitters of the brain or the chemicals that are responsible for sending impulses through the body. What is actually wrong with the neurotransmitters is that they don't work and in cases often, the pathways are much different in people with ADD/ADHD versus people without the disease. With this issue, there are many prescription drugs that can be administered based off which one fits your body type and condition the best. The most common form of this medication is Adderall, however, amphetamine is the chemical responsible for controlling this disease. The problem with this drug is mainly the form that it comes in. Patients are given a pill bottle but with no way to monitor how much is administered. Our product would be a patch that would work the equivalent to Adderall. We are doing this with an app that is connected to a chip on the patch, directing when the patch should release the drug into the patient.
The main competitors for this product are the Daytrana Patch and the pills that already exist.
1)Daytrana Patch: It is relatively inexpensive, accesible, and effective in dispensing the medication into the bloodstream slowly.
2)Pills such as Adderall: Control dosage, effectively release medication, easy to ingest.
1)Daytrana Patch: Cannot control the amount of dosage, so if you're going through a low and need a little more it can't be adjusted. The product was recalled because it was difficult and inconvenient to remove.
2)Pills such as Adderall: Only last 4-6 hours, have to take multiple doses as it wears off. Negative side affects such as chest pains, hallucinations, and seizure.
Customer Validation
Someone that currently is diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) could receive treatment with the patch, and this would be especially helpful if they have have a busy life or are forgetful.
Depending on the patient's health plan, the prescription with the patch will be acquired the same as if the patient was getting a prescription for adderall pills. Their insurance would cover it the same way.
A physician would prescribe the patch the same as he would the pills. Depending on the patient's lifestyle the patch may be more convenient, because it continuously releases throughout the course of the day.
The Provider would like it because it would give the patients another option without drastically changing the processes needed to obtain and provide treatment.
Purchasers would like this new product because it provides symptom relief much like the proven existing pills do, but the patch can be more convenient for patients, while yielding the same results.
IP Position
Filing Date/ Status
US20140271792 A1
Daytrana Patch
Methylphenidate transdermal compositions with rubber-based adhesives
Mar 12, 2014
US5641506 A
Medical patch adhesive
Medical patch material and a process for its production
Mar 7, 1994
US6096334 A
Patch medication application
Adhesive patch for applying medication to the skin and method
Dec 14, 1998
Fundability Worksheet Scores
Score of 2 on Competition:
A score of 2 is given to the Competition section since there are already many drugs, such as pills, that can be given to patients with ADHD. Although a patch had been made to treat ADHD, it was recalled because it “no longer meet their release liner removal specification”(FDA). This recall will allow for someone else to move in on this market as there will be customers who will want to continue using the patch.
Customer Validation
Score of 3 on Customer Validation:
The demand for a new patch is there since the Daytrana patch has been recalled. The new product would be better than the Daytrana patch since it would be able to regulate the amounts of drugs administered to the patient. The side effects caused by drugs that treat ADHD can sometimes be too much for the patient and they may want to choose to change to another drug. With the new patch, the amount of drug being administered will be monitored and the side effects that patients experience will lessen. The drug will be monitored and more patients who have ADHD will ask their physicians if they can be give this new product.
IP Position
Score of 2 on IP Position.
The patent was for the amounts of methylphenidate used and on the components of the patch, like the release liner(Liao). While these were patented, other drugs that treat ADHD can be put into a patch made out of different components. New components can be made and added to a patch that has not been patented and the drug used can be from a different company than the one used in Daytrana.
Works Cited
Talke, Volker, Karin Ludwig, Karl-Heinz Reinhold, Kurt Seeger, and Kg Lohmann Gmbh & Co. "Patent US5641506 - Medical Patch Material and a Process for Its Production." Google Books. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Sept. 2016.
Rolf, David, Elisabeth K. Sjoblom Urmann, and Lectec Corporation. "Patent US6096334 - Adhesive Patch for Applying Medication to the Skin and Method." Google Books. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Sept. 2016.
"Non-safety-related Voluntary Market Withdrawal of a Limited Portion of DAYTRANA� (methylphenidate Transdermal System) Patches Announced." Non-safety-related Voluntary Market Withdrawal of a Limited Portion of DAYTRANA� (methylphenidate Transdermal System) Patches Announced. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Sept. 2016.
Liao, Jun, and Inc. Noven Pharmaceuticals. "Patent US20140271792 - Methylphenidate Transdermal Compositions with Rubber-based Adhesives." Google Books. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Sept. 2016.