BME100 f2014:Group6 L3

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Name: Yamilex Bustamante
Name: Paul Chua
Name: Galt Goettl
Name: Prakriti Shukla
Name: Laura Stokes
Name: Gavin White


Descriptive Statistics

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The Standard Error for Temperature was .08

The Standard error for Heart Rate was 1

Image One: The data for the Heart Rate Tests comparing the Pulse Ox to the Spree Band.

Image Two: The data for the Temperature Tests comparing the Oral Thermometer to the Spree Band.


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T-test is used because there are only two variables measured/compared: the gold standard and the spree.The temperature's negative Pearson's r value indicates that there is a weak negative correlation(between standard and spree). The heart rate's Pearson's r shows a positive correlation, but the relationship between the two variables(standard and spree) is weak because the Pearson's r is close to 0.

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The p-value for the temperature readings between the oral thermometer and the Spree Band is 5.60E-239 which means that there is a significant difference, based off of the 95% confidence interval) between the temperature measured with the Spree Brand and the oral thermometer. The p-value for the heart rate data between the Spree Band and the pulse ox is 0.2408202 signifying that there is NOT a significant difference between the measurements taken on the spree and the heart rate monitor using the 95% confidence level because the p-value is significantly higher than 0.05. In conclusion, the Spree Band did not provide an accurate temperature reading due to the high variance between the oral temperature reading and the Spree Band's "range" temperature reading; however, the data showed that the heart rate measurements had less variance between the points causing the readings to be more accurate, but the exact accuracy is unknown but is within the 95% confidence interval.


The Spree Head Band had multiple issues with its design. One of the issues included bluetooth connection with the Iphone and the headband. While walking around campus, connectivity was lost between the band and the phone and the trial had to be re-started. This could be improved by a cord connection to the phone and the headband. Though this would impact aesthetic features of the spree band, it would improve connectivity. Another problem would be the fact that the spree band did not give a specific temperature just a scale of 1, 2, 3 and 4. During the analysis, a scale was used to convert the spree band numbers into actual temperatures. These numbers were just approximations of the actual temperature. An improvement to give a more accurate reading would be to report the actual temperatures on the spree band so it can be more easily compared to the gold standard to see if it was an accurate reading. Another inaccuracy was where the spree band was measuring the temperature. The spree band was measuring the temperature on the skin. While walking outside, the core body temperature increases and a natural response to cool the body down would be to sweat, thus lowering the skin temperature, and affecting the temperature the spree band portrays. A correction for this would be a connection on the spree band to measure core body temperature instead of skin temperature where there was more error compared to the gold standard.


Target Population and Need

Authority Soles benefit any consumer. However, it is perfect for athletes. The product provides various measurements that are convenient for athletes including lowering the risk of injury. Authority Soles could also assistant individuals who suffered injuries to guide them through the proper use of their foot to prevent any more damage.

Device Design

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Authority Sole's Act5 sole has 3 pressure sensors and 1 smart chip inserted in the sole. The 3 pressure sensors are located by the toe, ball and heel of the foot. They measure pressure and that information is relayed back to the app on an iPhone or Android device. One can see when they are placing too much pressure on one part of the foot. Thus, the customer can change the exercising position and prevent injury. The smart chip also contains a pedometer so it can measure distance walked and can also measure the approximate calories burned.

Inferential Statistics

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The first two sets of data are separate data observed from two different products: the Authority Sole and the Gold Standard. To determine the reliability and the accuracy of Authority Soles, we used t-test to compare and examine the two. The t-tests of the Authority Sole and the Gold Standard produced p-values above .05 which means that there is no significant difference between the two variables according to the 95% confidence interval. This leads to the conclusion that, Authority Sole is reliable and accurate due to its coherence with the Gold Standard. Furthermore, the Pearson's r value show a strong positive correlation between the two subjects; this of course only supports the dependability of the Authority Sole.

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The above graph shows the pressure of the toe, the heel and the ball of the foot while running, walking and jumping while using the authority soles.

The above graph shows the gold standard of the pressure of the toe, the heel and the ball of the foot while running, walking and jumping. This was measured in a lab