BME100 f2014:Group32 L2

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Name: Blake Bosold
Name: Isaiah Gonzales
Name: Royal Boggs
Name: Nava Nozari
Name: Neal Viswanath
Name: Fahhad Ashour


Descriptive Statistics

Experiment 1: Human

Experiment 2: Rats


One-way ANOVA



Experiment 1:Humans

When given a 0mg dosage of LPS, the average inflammotin produced was 3.834pg/ml with a standard deviation of 1.523 and a standard error of .4816. When given a 5mg dosage of LPS, the average infammotin amount produced was 8.932pg/ml with a standard deviation of 1.5939 and a standard error of .504. When given a 10mg dosage, the average inflammotin amount produced was 61.622pg/ml with a standard deviation of 30.1107 and a standard error of 9.5218. When given a 15mg dosage, the average protein amount was 657.941pg/ml with a standard deviation of 212.943 and a standard error of 67.338.

For the Bonferonni post hoc test, the p-value that we set as our standard was .00083. Our 0 to 5 mg comparison yielded a .000003555 t test value, 0 to 10 yielded .000009944, 0 to 15 yielded .000000014, 5 to 10 yielded .000030186, 5 to 15 yielded .000000016, and 10 to 15 yielded .000000065. All of these values were less than .00083, making our statistics statistically significant.

Experiment 2: Rats

The first 5 subjects were given 0mg of LPS as a control resulting in an average inflammation of 10.516 with a deviation of approximately 2.226 resulting in a 0.995296941 standard error. The second set of subjects (5 rats) were given a 10 mg dosage of lipopolysaccharide, these tests showed an average inflammation of 11.112 which is 0.596 greater than the average of the 0mg subjects. In the 10mg group there was a standard deviation of 7.403 between inflammation level readings, the standard error in readings was 3.311. When the t test was conducted the resulting t test value was 0.8674, which points out the probability that the differences will occur if we ran the experiment again. The bar graph shows that the effect of LPS dosage on the two subjects does not differ with an amount more than one, thus the effect of LPS from 0 to 10mg dosage on rats is not as strong as it is on humans.


Experiment 1

One-way ANOVA


The results of the one way anova on the data showed a p-value of 1.40083E-16, this being lower than .05 shows that difference in the dosage level and their corresponding difference in inflammotin levels is significant. This disproves the null hypothesis that there is no correlation between the amount of dosage given and the inflammotin produced. As the dosage increased the amount of inflammotin produced increased as well. We chose to do the ANOVA test because in humans there were more than two groups being compared together. In addition a Bonferonni test showed that there was a statistical difference between every dosage level due to every experimental p-value being lower than the corrected p-value.

There was also a further side analysis done between the correlation of age to inflammotin produced. A rough look at the data and several data sets plotted on a scatter plot and a correlative trend line added shows a general positive trend between age and inflammotin produced within the dosage levels. A test was not performed for the data but there are several implications related to the age differences and inflammotin produced.

Experiment 2

The rat test used a t-test because there were only two data sets being compared to one another. The t-value recorded ended up being 0.8674 which implies that the results are not statistically significant. The data suggests that there is little to no correlation between the amount of dosage given in the sample of rats to the amount of inflammotin produced between them. The experiment did not support the alternative hypothesis that there was a relationship between the LPS dosage and the inflammotin produced. The null hypothesis thus had to be accepted for these experimental trials.


This experiment shows the affect of LPS on level of protein in blood on two different type of subjects. The first subjects were humans which were same or above age of 60 and they were divided in four different groups base on dosage of LPS. By reviewing the results, LPS had a significant affect on protein level in these subjects and also the P-values which are less than 0.00083 shows our statistics are significant.Another type of our subjects were rats which were divided in two different groups base on dosage of LPS. In this experiment, by according to the P-value which was 0.8674, if we ran this experiment again we will get a different results and also by reviewing the results, we can find, the LPS didn't have a strong affect on rats. there for in the second experiment we need to choose more subjects and have more different type of groups of rats. This experiment could have been better executed by using a larger sample size to prevent overlap between the statistics of the samples. The rat samples used were too small and to few to conclude anything particular about the relationship between the two variables. Any conclusions using the rat samples for the human experimental samples would only be inferential and non-conclusive at best. Including more dosages in the rat sample testing would have provided a better and more efficient representation of the human samples.