BME100 f2014:Group2 L3

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Name: Victoria Bowman
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Name: Andre Dang
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Name: Chandler Heaton
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Name: Jordan Shinn
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Name: Abigail Weiss
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Name: Alena Zapata


Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive Statistics of Temperature

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Heart Rate:
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A t-test was performed on the temperature data because the data compares two groups. The t-test produced a p-value of 6.35029712031846E-246 which is less than 0.05. Therefore, there is a significant difference between the Gold Standard temperature and the Spree temperature. The Pearson's R value was -0.0250085429536513. Since the Pearson's R value was nearly zero, there is no correlation in the data.

Heart Rate:
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A t-test was performed on the heart rate data because the data compares two groups. The t-test produced a p-value of 0.494860469 which is greater than 0.05. Thus, there is no significant difference between the gold standard heart rate and the Spree heart rate. The Person's R value was 0.897446. The Person's R value is close to one, so there is a positive correlation in the data.


Based off the data collected when comparing the Spree headband to the gold standard of a blood pressure monitor and thermometer, the Spree headband does not work effectively. Although there was not a significant difference between the Spree blood pressure readings and that from the blood pressure monitor, there was a significant differences in the temperature readings from the Spree headband and the thermometer. This significant difference is a result of several design flaws in the headband; such as the inability to effectively secure the device to the user and the inability of the device to distinguish the temperature from the surroundings to that of the user.


Target Population and Need

The target population of the fit pill is people interested in fitness and people interested in losing weight. This is the target population because the device monitors calories in and calories out, which will help people attempting to lose weight monitor their calories. The device also measures body fat percentage which aids people in the tracking of their fitness progress. The need is for a fitness based body monitoring device which does not interfere with the workout, unlike a headband or wristband. The need is also for an accurate device, and the fit pill provides a more accurate measurement since it the device measures within the body. Lastly, the need is for a user friendly app which tracks a person's fitness progress and provides the person with an easy to read report, which the fit pill does.

Device Design

Media:Fit_Pill_Design_(2).PDF Media:Fit_Pill_Design_(1).PDF

Inferential Statistics

Caloric Input Data Set

Caloric Input Inferential Statistics

Caloric Output Data Set

Caloric Output Inferential Statistics

Body Fat Percentage Data Set

Body Fat Percentage Inferential Statistics


Caloric Input Graph

Caloric Output Graph

Body Fat Percentage Graph