BME100 f2014:Group28 L6

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Name: Andrew W. Hamidy
Name: Kyle Brague
Name: Brandt Hansen
Name: Diego Reyes
Name: Kyle Henriksen
Name: student



Bayesian Statistics

Overview of the Original Diagnosis System The goal of this lab was to take DNA from patients and do PCR to replicate the certain portion of DNA being tested. The test was to determine whether a diseases was present or not. The labor for this lab was split up between 34 teams diagnosing 68 patients. This means that 2 patients were given to each group. Each team had 6 students in them. To prevent error, many things were taken into account. For example, each team was given 3 replicates for each patient. This helps prevent error because there is more data, and with more data there is a less chance that error will occur. Another precaution taken to prevent error was that each patient had a control sample to properly calibrate the ImageJ. Finally, in order to help prevent error, multiple photos were taken of the drops at each percent of DNA to be able to choose which looked the best. For the final results, of the 68 patients, 54 patients had successful results, 8 patients had inconclusive results, and 6 patients were left blank(due to the groups not inputting their data).

Calculation 1- P(A|B)= .87

Calculation 2- P(A|B)= .77

Calculation 3- P(A|B)= .30

Calculation 4- P(A|B)= .46

What Bayes Statistics Imply about This Diagnostic Approach

Computer-Aided Design

TinkerCAD is a conputer aided design program. Its main function is to help aid in the function of visualizing the component/part you are currently wanting to develop. Its easy to use program is useful on a very basic level as it does not carry some of the advance functions that other computer programs carry.

Our Design

Our Design includes vents that automatically open and close based on the temperature inside the PCR machine. This will improve energy and cost efficiency since less energy will be lost to the surroundings. The vents are automatically controlled by servos that take information from a temperature inside the machine. We chose this design because we realized how ignored vents are in contemporary electronics.

Feature 1: Consumables Kit

Our design does not change the existing consumables already in place. our design effects the body of the PCR machine in order to increase efficiency when the machine is heating and cooling. So the consumables will remain standard and will not deviate from the original packing and preparation.

Feature 2: Hardware - PCR Machine & Fluorimeter

The PCR machine is the only system that is getting altered. The fluorimeter is staying the same as we are not making any improvments/modifications to the device. As stated above, the PCR device will be modified to have mechanically operated flaps that will close and open at precise moments. This will allow the machine to warm up and cool down using less electrical energy in the process- thus saving money to be better applied to other areas of the research.

A major weakness that our device carries is that PCR machines are not all the same and will react the same to the added flaps as the machine next to it. In order for this to work, a specially trained technician will have to come and run test on the PCR machine to calibrate the opening and closing of the flaps in accordance with that specific machine.