BME100 f2014:Group28 L2

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Name: Andrew W. Hamidy
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Name: Mohammed Alhusayni
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Name: Brandt Hansen
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Name: Kyle Brague
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Name: Diego E. Reyes
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Name: Kyle Henriksen


Descriptive Statistics

Experiment 1

The mean for the human experiment was 5.23pg/ml for the 0mg LPS group, 10.72pg/ml for the 5mg LPS group, 61.622pg/ml for the 10mg LPS group, and 657.9pg/ml for the 15mg LPS group.

The standard deviation for the human experiment was 9.4E-16 for the 0mg LPS group, 0 for the 5mg LPS group, 30.1 for the 10mg LPS group, and 212.9 for the 15mg LPS group.

Experiment 2

The mean for the mouse experiment was 10.52pg/ml for the 0mg LPS group and 11.11pg/ml for the 10mg LPS.

The standard deviation for the mouse experiment was 2.22 for the 0mg LPS group and 7.40 for the 10mg LPS.


Experiment 1

After reviewing the produced data from the lab, there are some very interesting results. In experiment #1, our human trial, the amount of inflammation resulting from a certain dose of LPS was being tested. The subjects who received 0mg of LPS all produced the exact same value of 5.23 pg/ml. The data also shows a similar pattern for those who were given 5mg- a resulting level of 10.72gp/ml. The pattern showed in the first two sets drastically differed in terms of the 10mg dose and 15mg dose. The 10mg dose resulted with a range of 23.46-100.19pg/ml. The average value calculated from this set is 61.62pg/ml. The 15mg dose showed a drastic range as low as 181.27 and as high as 934.23pg/ml with an average value of 657.9pg/ml.

Experiment 2
In experiment two, the rat test, the data produced is as follows: The rats who were given the 0mg dose had a range from 8.76 up to 13.5 pg/ml with an average of 10.5pg/ml. The second set tested (10mg dose) showed a drastic range from 3.55 up too 22.34pg/ml. The calculated average for this set is 11.11pg/ml.


Experiment 1
After analyzing the results of the human clinical trial, the conclusion can be drawn that the higher dosage of the LPS drug is directly correlated to the amount of Inflammotin produced in the body. This is shown by the high p-values of both the ANOVA test and the post-hoc tests.

Experiment 2
The analysis for the rat trials is inconclusive. There is no conclusion that can be drawn from the rat trials because after preforming the t-test on the data that was gathered the p-value was lo enough that the data gathered had no significance and could not be either right or wrong, therefore the data is inconclusive.


In this experiment the conclusion is that there is a statistical difference between groups in the human clinical trial, however in the rat test the same cannot be said. This is perfectly illustrated by the p-value from the ANOVA test and post-hoc test in the humans and the t-test in the rats. Nothing can be concluded between the two groups because the rat test had serious problems in experiment design. Between the lack of test subjects, lack of variety between dosages, and the inconsistencies in the data, the rat test could not provide any conclusive data. In our analysis in the human clinical trial we compared the age to the amount of inflammotin created by the same amount of dosage. While there was a general trend, nothing can be concluded due to a Pearson's r value of less than .95 for both the 10mg LPS and the 15mg LPS.

File:Lab 2 Data v2.xlsx

The previous is the excel file with all relevant data presented clearly.