BME100 f2014:Group15 L3

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Name: Michael Catchings
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Name: Jessica Fong
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Name: Ben Heywood
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Name: Norihan Elsharawy
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Name: Destiny Vidaure
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Name: Logan Migliorino


Descriptive Statistics

Heart Rate - Spree Headband
Trial Average (beats/minute) Standard Deviation (beats/minute) Standard Error (beats/minute)
Pre-Walk/Indoor-1 81.66666667 17.02034981 3.275567848
Pre-Walk/Indoor-2 80.46153846 16.72657949 3.280352124
Pre-Walk/Indoor-3 80.72413793 14.5255847 2.697333363
Pre-Walk/Indoor-4 80.30769231 14.84794728 2.911922035
Pre-Walk/Indoor-5 79.80769231 12.21480816 2.395520968
Walk 1 94.84615385 18.24651705 3.578436404
Walk 2 96.96666667 19.46434996 3.553687848
Walk 3 99.63333333 21.6579735 3.954186878
Walk 4 98.1 18.48456952 3.374805231
Walk 5 101.6 18.61886326 3.3993238
Walk 6 104.7931034 23.60898635 4.384078704
Walk 7 103.7333333 22.23066123 4.058744875
Walk 8 104.3666667 20.53001727 3.748251189
Walk 9 100.6 21.12948585 3.857698677
Walk 10 103.2857143 22.31567651 4.217266456
Walk 11 103.1034483 25.37904764 4.712770834
Walk 12 101.9310345 26.82340534 4.980981325
Cool Down/Indoor-1 86.9 16.20632061 2.95885579
Cool Down/Indoor-2 83.03333333 18.26147883 3.33407463
Cool Down/Indoor-3 83.55172414 17.86174325 3.316842453
Cool Down/Indoor-4 84.3 18.85178122 3.441848608
Cool Down/Indoor-5 84.64285714 18.60747418 3.516482086

Heart Rate - Gold Standard
Trial Average (beats/minute) Standard Deviation (beats/minute) Standard Error (beats/minute)
Pre-Walk/Indoor-1 80.83870968 14.48239569 2.601115052
Pre-Walk/Indoor-2 77.83870968 13.58944878 2.440737053
Pre-Walk/Indoor-3 79.21212121 11.59136957 2.017798444
Pre-Walk/Indoor-4 78.80645161 13.6587441 2.453182859
Pre-Walk/Indoor-5 79.51612903 12.92767308 2.321878627
Walk 1 92.25806452 15.31005713 2.749767436
Walk 2 95.12121212 15.40851545 2.682278252
Walk 3 97.12121212 17.24412504 3.001816866
Walk 4 98.51515152 16.0392511 2.792075234
Walk 5 99.93939394 16.01354777 2.787600859
Walk 6 101.2727273 24.90390623 4.33521362
Walk 7 100.8181818 23.65699493 4.118154224
Walk 8 102.6969697 21.11646995 3.67590559
Walk 9 99.12121212 21.63873491 3.766820251
Walk 10 102.5757576 22.83641596 3.975309761
Walk 11 104.030303 24.75187474 4.308748335
Walk 12 105.2727273 28.41354511 4.946163329
Cool Down/Indoor-1 87.72727273 17.76807658 3.093025122
Cool Down/Indoor-2 82.66666667 18.12399422 3.154982431
Cool Down/Indoor-3 84.03030303 18.05803984 3.143501247
Cool Down/Indoor-4 80.90909091 21.91227344 3.814437197
Cool Down/Indoor-5 83.40625 16.89981747 2.987493884

Temperature - Spree Headband
Trial Average (°F) Standard Deviation (°F) Standard Error (°F)
Pre-Walk/Indoor-1 99.72727273 3.033899381 0.5281340927
Pre-Walk/Indoor-2 101 2.872281323 0.5
Pre-Walk/Indoor-3 102.0909091 2.184657244 0.380300012
Pre-Walk/Indoor-4 102.2727273 1.988603896 0.346171505
Pre-Walk/Indoor-5 102.25 2.016064515 0.356393222
Walk 1 103 0 0
Walk 2 103.8787879 2.825747421 0.491899487
Walk 3 104.9090909 3.165869118 0.551107075
Walk 4 104.6969697 3.046358979 0.53030303
Walk 5 104.3030303 3.176917221 0.553030303
Walk 6 104.4848485 2.906041252 0.505876849
Walk 7 104.4848485 2.906041252 0.505876849
Walk 8 104.4848485 2.906041252 0.505876849
Walk 9 104.3030303 3.176917221 0.553030303
Walk 10 104.9393939 3.543827327 0.616901154
Walk 11 104.5151515 3.317766682 0.577549047
Walk 12 105.1515152 3.632502685 0.632337553
Cool Down/Indoor-1 102.8787879 2.534235286 0.441153738
Cool Down/Indoor-2 102.6666667 2.188987589 0.381053828
Cool Down/Indoor-3 103.030303 1.629510058 0.283661291
Cool Down/Indoor-4 103.030303 1.629510058 0.283661291
Cool Down/Indoor-5 102.8387097 2.001612253 0.359500173

Temperature - Gold Standard
Trial Average (°F) Standard Deviation (°F) Standard Error (°F)
Pre-Walk/Indoor-1 97.17454545 0.9139683081 0.1591014607
Pre-Walk/Indoor-2 97.29090909 0.807288531 0.140530895
Pre-Walk/Indoor-3 97.4369697 0.787001766 0.136999423
Pre-Walk/Indoor-4 97.63545455 0.639795333 0.111374072
Pre-Walk/Indoor-5 97.65515152 0.66556424 0.115859863
Walk 1 97.33151515 0.825257995 0.143658977
Walk 2 97.24666667 0.849196925 0.14782621
Walk 3 97.36393939 0.920319032 0.16020698
Walk 4 97.35969697 1.009518712 0.175734651
Walk 5 97.39484848 0.624330247 0.108681946
Walk 6 97.38727273 0.913804796 0.159072997
Walk 7 97.47575758 0.910020708 0.158414272
Walk 8 97.38 0.943106569 0.164173781
Walk 9 97.49606061 0.981955763 0.170936558
Walk 10 97.48818182 0.749989394 0.130556396
Walk 11 97.61818182 0.812559438 0.141448442
Walk 12 97.47909091 1.057613362 0.184106855
Cool Down/Indoor-1 97.42727273 0.973223615 0.169416486
Cool Down/Indoor-2 97.93060606 0.757033435 0.131782606
Cool Down/Indoor-3 97.95060606 0.750932501 0.13072057
Cool Down/Indoor-4 98.01030303 0.682607523 0.118826718
Cool Down/Indoor-5 98.03757576 0.694131788 0.120832835


Gold Standard vs. Spree Heart Rate Average

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Gold Standard Average
Spree Device Average

Gold Standard vs. Spree Temperature Average
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t-Test: Paired Two Sample for Means - Heart Rate
Variable 1 Variable 2
Mean 92.56012658 92.96677215
Variance 449.0518466 462.7136327
Observations 632 632
Pearson Correlation 0.889149312
Hypothesized Mean Difference 0
df 631
t Stat -1.016408677
P(T<=t) one-tail 0.154912185
t Critical one-tail 1.647272046
P(T<=t) two-tail 0.309824371
t Critical two-tail 1.963730626

t-Test: Paired Two Sample for Means - Temperature
Variable 1 Variable 2
Mean 97.52493776 103.4094053
Variance 0.74650841 8.967889258
Observations 723 723
Pearson Correlation -0.015572832
Hypothesized Mean Difference 0
df 722
t Stat -50.55620393
P(T<=t) one-tail 1.0612E-239
t Critical one-tail 1.646966838
P(T<=t) two-tail 2.1224E-239
t Critical two-tail 1.9632551


After testing the Spree Headband, and compiling the data, it can be seen that the device has its advantages and disadvantages. In regards to heart rate monitoring, the headband yielded accurate readings in relation to the gold standard (wireless pulse-oximeter). This is due to the fact that the Pearson's R-value for heart rate was 0.986377. The R-Valve explains the correlation between the Spree Headband and the wireless pulse-oximeter. With a value close to one, in this instance, it can be concluded that the readings were consistent when compared to each other. This R-valve implies the data is increasing in a linear fashion; nearly 1:1. The complication with this portion of the test however, was the final P-value. The heart rate study produced a P-value of 0.309824, or a 30% percent chance for there to be a statistical difference in the data. With that in mind, the test shows signs of accuracy, but nothing can be concluded with the correlation between the Spree Headband and the wireless pulse-oximeter.

The other aspect of the investigation would be the temperature reading of the test subjects. In this regard, the Spree Headband and the gold standard (oral thermometer), had no correlation. The calculated Pearson's R-value for the data of the 32 blind studies was -0.03154. This number states that as the measured oral temperature increases, due to an increase in activity, the Spree headband reading does not follow the same pattern. With a P-value so close to zero, it can be concluded that the compiled data was extremely accurate; the data had nearly no discrepancies.

In conclusion, it was determined that the Spree Headband was fairly accurate for heart rate, but due to the inaccuracy and imprecise temperature readings, the Spree Headband should not be endorsed as a valid method to measure temperature and therefore does not perform at the level at which it is advertised at. In order to improve the device, the temperature should not be measured using a range of values dictated by Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3 with very broad minimum and maximum temperatures in each. It should instead be a narrower numerical range of values of body temperature, as measuring body temperature by skin in itself is imprecise. Measuring by skin temperature is imprecise because factors such as sweat, evaporation of sweat on the skin, outside temperature, and poor skin contact with the device all affect the readings. However, with some necessary improvements, the Spree Headband could potentially be a very accurate device available for the general public.


Target Population and Need

The target population of the Mont Vert Fitness Watch (VA-21) is predominately athletes interested in improving their current level of fitness. This device monitors heart rate, core body temperature, distance traveled, time, and other additional features designed to enhance their workout experience.
With a growing issue of heat related injuries and illnesses in high school and college athletics, the Mont Vert VA-22 enables real time monitoring of various vital aspects of the human body in order to assist in the prevention of these avoidable heat related issues, and provides features for fitness orientated people of all ages that are essential in maintaining a more robust and developed exercise experience. Unlike other similar products in the fitness watch industry, the VA-21 fitness watch includes a clear plastic retainer with a wireless thermometer designed to be custom fit to the lower row of teeth. The sensor, after the retainer is worn, is located on the rear of the central incisors and performs similarly to a common oral thermometer.

Device Design

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The Mont Vert Fitness Watch is a two part system designed to perform accurately and with dependability. The mouthpiece fits to the lower row of teeth, with a wireless, Bluetooth compatible, thermometer. It's lightweight design, and unique custom fit, ensures a comfortable workout experience. Unlike other devices that measures surface temperature via headband or chest-band, the Mont Vert mouth piece measures oral temperature, and displays a considerably more accurate temperature reading than our competitors. Other features of the Mont Vert Fitness Watch include Pedometer GPS Calories Burned (accessible feature through app, after entering BMI, body weight, and height), Water Resistant (water proof with after market cover), World Time, with automatic time zone change, Stop Watch, Time Trial (to Hundredths of a Second), Speedometer, Estimated number of minutes to complete one mile, Multiple pages that can be easily swiped through via the touch screen, which come pre-organized; Temp, Calories, Heart Rate; Distance, Time, Minutes-Per-Mile; GPS + Downloadable Map outline, and can be personally organized to fit individual lifestyles, Auto-flip screen according to the side it is worn on, Data can be uploaded to the App and shared online with other owners, 2gb of memory storage, and it is also rechargeable. Comes in a variety of colors; Light pink, pale blue, white, blue, green, black, and red.

Free Mont Vert App download with in-box promo code.

The Mont Vert Fitness App features the ability to create charts of progress for stored data: Distance, HR, Calories burned, speed, time spent working out, deepness of sleep by hour using heart rate comparisons, and a diet/calorie counter via myfitnesspal. This data can be posted online and shared with other Mont Vert Fitness Watch owners, or kept private for personal record keeping.

The Mont Vert Fitness Watch also comes in Sports Bundles; NCAA approved rubberized mouth guard with temperature sensor for football or rugby players and comes with an Otterbox brand wearable watch case to protect against high-impact conditions, sunglasses and squeeze-bottle for cyclists and runners, or a waterproof case with free adjustable goggles for water sport athletes.

Inferential Statistics

Heart Rate:
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