BME100 f2014:Group14 L2

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Fatima Sanchez Garcia
Claudia Czekaj
Ciaran McGirr
Taylor Brown
Lemlem Brook
Brianna Steele


Descriptive Statistics

Human Experiment
The average levels of Inflammotin in humans grew with the amount introduced to the subject. In the human experiment, four dosage levels were introduced to the patients: 0mg, 5mg, 10mg, and 15mg. When 0mg was introduced to the subject, the average level in the body was 3.834 pg/mL with a standard deviation of 1.523pg/mL. The subjects with 5mg of dosage introduced to their system had an average of 8.932pg/mL with a standard deviation of 1.594pg/mL. Introducing 10mg of Inflammotin to the body gave an average of 61.622pg/mL and a standard deviation of 30.110pg/mL. A 15mg dosage level in the body of the subject produced an average Inflammotin level of 657.941pg/mL with a standard deviation of 212.942pg/mL.

Rat Experiment
In the rat study, there were only two levels of dosages used: 0mg and 10mg. In the first dosage of 0mg, the average level of Inflammotin was 10.516pg/mL with a standard deviation of 2.22pg/mL. The dosage of 10mg had an average of 11.112pg/mL of Inflammotin in the rat, with a standard deviation of 7.402pg/mL.


Human Experiment

Average Inflammotin Levels in Humans pg/mL
Average Inflammotin 0 Mg 3.834
Average Inflammotin 5 Mg 8.932
Average Inflammotin 10 Mg 61.622
Average Inflammotin 15 Mg 657.941

Standard Deviation in the Human Tests pg/mL
Standard Deviation 0 Mg 1.523010177
Standard Deviation 5 Mg 1.593931547
Standard Deviation 10 Mg 30.11069386
Standard Deviation 15 Mg 212.9429762

Rat Experiment

Average Levels of Inflammotin pg/mL
Average Inflammotin 0 Mg 10.516
Average Inflammotin 10 Mg 11.112

Standard Deviation in Rat Tests pg/mL
Standard Deviation 0 Mg 2.225551617
Standard Deviation 10 Mg 7.402885924

Analysis/Inferential Statistics

Human Experiment

In the human trial, various dosages of inflammotin are being tested, thus it is necessary that an ANOVA test be conducted. This test allows us to determine the overall percent error as well as sum, average and variance both between and within variables. The overall error reported on this ANOVA is 1.4x10^-16, well within the desired .05 range.

Since the ANOVA test numerous samples, a post- hoc test must be taken to determine the p-values between the individual data sets. The p-value here is adjusted to 0.0083 because we had to divide our standard error, 0.05, by the number of samples, 6.

Rat Experiment

Since there are only two areas of comparison in the rat trail, a t-test was taken. Here we compared the variances between the rats who received no inflammotin and thos who received 10mg dosage. The p-values here exceed our limit of .05, illustrating a significant difference within the data


The most significant difference about the human and rat trial, is that when there is 0 Mg of inflammotin in rats, they showed to produce 10.516 pg/mL of protein in their system. On the other hand, humans showed to have 3.834 pg/mL of protein. However, when rats were introduced 10 Mg of inflammotin, they produced 11.112 pg/mL of protein, while humans produced 6 times more. An ANOVA and t-test were extremely helpful when determining average dosage of inflammotin in a system. With these tables, group means and differences were distinct and simple to identify. As a whole, there could have been various errors that could have occurred, as well as could have gone better. For example, the abundance of data could have lead to misinterpretation when producing the ANOVA and t-test tables. In addition, there could have been subjects who were not able to complete the experiment or were not able to follow the requirements.


The data shows that the LPS treatment did increase the Inflammotin protein levels in blood samples as Kristin predicted. As the dosage of lipopolysaccharide increased, the levels of the Inflammotin protein also increased. This increase was expected because the LPS treatment has previously been shown to increase the protein levels in the elderly. In humans, 15 Mg increases the Inflammotin levels the most (650 pg/mL) while 0 Mg did not increase the Inflammotin levels. In rats, 0 Mg resulted in 10.516 pg/mL and 10 Mg resulted in 11.112 pg/mL, which is a slight change and does not show a significant increase of Inflammotin. The standard deviation in humans also increases as the dosage increases; the standard deviation is highest with 15 mg (212.9429762) and lowest with 0 mg (1.523010177.) The standard deviation in rats also increased as the dosage increased with the highest standard deviation in the 10 mg (7.402885924) and the lowest with 0 mg (2.225551617.) Sources of error in the lab could be from small sample sizes, especially in the rats. Because both the data from the rats and the humans show an increase in Inflammotin protein levels, it can be concluded that lipopolysaccharide increases the protein levels.