BME100 f2014:Group13 L1

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Independent and Dependent Variables

The independent variable is the inflammation inducing agent, lipopolysaccharide, as it is the variable that is inducing change within the experiment. The dependent variable is the inflammatory protein, inflammotin, as it is being acted upon and measured for change.

Experimental Design


There are five groups given lipopolysaccharide:
Group 1: the control group (receiving no drug but a fake pill)
Group 2: receiving 10 mg
Group 3: receiving 7 mg
Group 4: receiving 5 mg
Group 5: receiving 2 mg.

We'll keep each of the groups in the same conditions except for which ever pills we are supplying to each group. With this number of groups, we should be able to have enough data to see if there is a linear relationship between the dosage of lipopolysaccharide and the levels of inflammotin in the blood.


The age of the subjects will be a diverse mixture of elderly above the age of 65 in order to see how the drug affects different ages..

Number of subjects per group

Each of the five groups will contain 20 subjects for a total pool of 100 elderly people in order to collect accurate data that will hopefully show our a decrease in dosage yet maintain the same effect as 10mg.

Subject Selection

Subjects will be selected randomly from a pool of elderly people who pass a health check. Health check is performed to create a baseline of health for each patient and to make sure no subject is put in any danger by undergoing the test.
These subjects will come from different hospitals from different geographical areas in the country to further randomize the population, with the hospitals preforming the health checks to insure there are no preexisting conditions that would interfere or obscure the results.

Sources of Error and Bias

Potential sources of error include the placebo effect, health bias, the subject does not take the drug when required, a separate injury or health crisis occurring during the trial, or the technology such as ELISA not working properly. In order to reduce as much error or bias as possible a control group is put into place as well as a double blind procedure being used to account for the placebo effect. The subjects will be checked up on bi-weekly in order to reduce any improper taking of the drug. The patient will be checked for other medications as well as pre-existing conditions during the health check to ensure that any changes in protein level that are observed are from lipopolysaccharide rather than an outside force. In order to reduce error from the various technology used, machines will be routinely checked and calibrated.