BME100 f2014:Group10 L2

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Name: Meredith Bothman
Name: Dawei Jiang
Name: Cera Lange
Name: Steven Nguyen
Name: Brett Pinar
Name: Eun Duk Seo


Descriptive Statistics

Human Study

  • Mean amount of inflammotin produced
Dosage 0 mg 5 mg 10 mg 15 mg
Mean 3.834 mg 8.932 mg 61.622 mg 657.941 mg
  • Variability within test groups
Dosage 0 mg 5 mg 10 mg 15 mg
Standard Deviation 1.523 1.594 30.111 212.943
Standard Error 0.482 0.504 9.522 67.338

Rodent Study

  • Mean amount of inflammotin produced
Dosage 0 mg 10 mg
Mean 10.516 mg 11.112 mg
  • Variability within test groups
Dosage 0 mg 10 mg
Standard Deviation 2.226 7.403
Standard Error 0.995 3.311


Human Study

  • bars denote significance

Rodent Study


Human Study

  • A one-way ANOVA was used to determine significance since the data is single-factor and has several groups.
  • ANOVA results; p-value: 1.4 x 10^-16
  • Based on the p-value from our ANOVA test, we can determine that the difference in the results is significant since the p-value was small
  • Bonferroni Correction

To be statistically significant, the p-value must be less than 0.00833

Post-Hoc Tests P-value Significant?
0 mg vs. 5 mg 8.59631E-07 yes
0 mg vs. 10 mg 9.94377E-06 yes
0 mg vs. 15 mg 1.39436E-08 yes
5 mg vs. 10 mg 3.01859E-05 yes
5 mg vs. 15 mg 1.57101E-08 yes
10 mg vs. 15 mg 6.4824E-08 yes

This shows that a statistically significant difference exists between all dosages.

Rodent Study

  • A t-test was used to determine significance since the data is single-factor and has more than two groups.
  • t-test result: .8674035
  • Based on our result from the t-test, we can determine that the difference in results is not significant.


The data showed that increased dosages of LPS increased inflammotin in humans in exponentially increasing increments based on dosage. Lipopolysaccharide had no effect during the rodent trials. This data shows that a greater amount of dosages should have been tested on rats. The lack of responsiveness from the rats could have been taken as a sign of the ineffectiveness of the drug, and its benefits to humans could have been overlooked. This data shows that different medications and treatments can have different effects on different organisms, so in vitro testing is extremely important to ensure that medications that can treat humans are not dismissed because of their lack of effectiveness in rodent studies.