BIOL368/F16:Class Journal Week 5

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User:Zachary T. Goldstein

  1. Do you think that you found the 4 most relevant articles to your project? Why or why not?
    • I don't think I found the 4 most relevant articles, just because after I found 5 articles that related to our topic I transitioned to working on the bibliography assignment. I do believe my articles are very good but may not be the absolute best. If our class time was allotted to selecting and analyzing the 4 best articles, it would be a different story but I had to be smart about how much time I put into researching journals so I could start working on the assignment.
  2. Do you feel confident that you could apply the information literacy skills you practiced in this assignment to other assignments, courses, or research projects. Why or why not?
    • Definitely. An information literacy class was required as a part of my first year seminar and I still remember most of the things they taught us two years ago. A lot of what I learned in class was review but at the same time I learned a lot and feel very confident in my research ability (especially in the sciences).
  3. What did you find difficult or frustrating about this assignment?
    • Getting all of the little information about copyright, what kind of publisher it is, whether LMU has paid a fee, etc...was very tedious and annoying. It's hard to find aspects of this information unless the paper or website says it right on the front page, and doing this for 4 different articles was both difficult and very time consuming.

Zachary T. Goldstein 17:21, 29 September 2016 (EDT)Zachary T. Goldstein

Colin Wikholm

  1. Do you think that you found the 4 most relevant articles to your project? Why or why not?
    • To say that these articles are the "the 4 most relevant" is a subjective and superlative claim. There are likely many published articles that are more relevant than the 4 I found, but I still believe the ones I found are highly relevant. The findings complement the information in the Markham et al. (1998) paper or offer new knowledge about HIV-1 env evolution.
  2. Do you feel confident that you could apply the information literacy skills you practiced in this assignment to other assignments, courses, or research projects. Why or why not?
    • I am confident that I could apply the database skills and tools we practiced in this assignment in other assignments, courses, or research projects. I practiced each of the techniques multiple times, and have already used to them to investigate other topics of personal interest outside of class (ex research on artificial sweeteners). I have repeated this weeks information literacy skills correctly enough to feel confident in my capabilities with it.
  3. What did you find difficult or frustrating about this assignment?
    • Although I was extremely eager to improve my database knowledge and abilities, reporting each of the steps was frustrating. I understand that keeping an electronic lab notebook is an important part of the scientific process, but it felt unnecessarily redundant and tedious in reporting work within the databases. Apart from this, I felt this week's work was incredibly instructive and useful. Nothing else was particularly difficult or frustrating.

Colin Wikholm 20:13, 3 October 2016 (EDT)

Courtney L. Merriam

  1. Do you think that you found the 4 most relevant articles to your project? Why or why not?
    • It’s difficult to determine if the four I found were the most relevant, but I do believe they were highly related and informative with regard to my project. Anything that increases my knowledge of the intricacies of how HIV-1 works will help in the development of my project.
  2. Do you feel confident that you could apply the information literacy skills you practiced in this assignment to other assignments, courses, or research projects. Why or why not?
    • I certainly hope so. I’ve always found this sort of assignment to be difficult, but I understand that it’s more important to continue practicing, for that’s the only way I’ll ever get any better, and the only way it will become less of a challenge.
  3. What did you find difficult or frustrating about this assignment?
    • I found it difficult to sort through so many journals that are so similar in the hopes of finding one that will pertain to my subject matter more than another. It’s frustrating that the language in the journals are so high level, but again I suppose the more I read them the more I will come to understand the terminology I don’t understand yet.

Matthew K. Oki

  1. Do you think that you found the 4 most relevant articles to your project? Why or why not?
    • I think I did find the most relevant studies for my project. Once I found one that was just about the perfect paper, it was fairly easy to find more along the same track. I haven't read the papers in detail, but I do know that each paper will bring specific, relevant information to our project.
  2. Do you feel confident that you could apply the information literacy skills you practiced in this assignment to other assignments, courses, or research projects. Why or why not?
    • I do believe I could apply this technique at a later time. The most difficult part of the technique is locating that first paper. However, once you find that paper, it's all downhill from there.
  3. What did you find difficult or frustrating about this assignment?
    • It was difficult finding some of the rights and availability for the papers. Also, it was hard finding the first paper we needed for our project. Other than these aspects, I can see the use of techniques like this, as it is very helpful.

Avery Vernon-Moore

  1. Do you think that you found the 4 most relevant articles to your project? Why or why not?
    • I think I found articles that relate well to the topic my partner and I are going to research. I don't know if they will necessarily be useful for what were looking at exactly, but they do relate and will most likely provide some good background information. If I would have spent more time looking I probably could have found something even more similar to the actual data were looking at from the Markham paper.
  2. Do you feel confident that you could apply the information literacy skills you practiced in this assignment to other assignments, courses, or research projects. Why or why not?
    • Yes. This is the third or fourth time that I have been walked through lib guides and different databases by a librarian. I have had to find primary literature for many papers in the last two years and am very comfortable finding articles and citing them.
  3. What did you find difficult or frustrating about this assignment?
    • I would have rather been working on the actual research because I find it to be much more confusing and am not sure what to expect to only have one class to work on it. Other than that I think the most difficult thing is actually reading the articles because I don't know much about HIV beyond what we have gone over in class and scientific articles can be very hard to interpret and work through.

Avery Vernon-Moore 13:17, 2 October 2016 (EDT)

Anindita Varshneya

  1. Do you think that you found the 4 most relevant articles to your project? Why or why not?
    • I think I found 4 incredibly relevant articles to my project. There were some articles that may have been good additions to my annotated bibliography, but due to paywalls, I was not able to access them. Because the library often several days to gain access to an article, I chose to look for other relevant articles that I could access. Even though all of my articles are incredibly relevant and helpful in the production of this project, I cannot say with confidence that they are the most relevant.
  2. Do you feel confident that you could apply the information literacy skills you practiced in this assignment to other assignments, courses, or research projects. Why or why not?
    • I do feel confident that I could apply the literacy skills from this assignment to other assignments because the research skills taught me how to narrow down search results to find only the most relevant papers to my research assignment. I'm positive that this practice will translate well into other areas of study.
  3. What did you find difficult or frustrating about this assignment?
    • The most difficult part of this assignment was figuring out what type of company each of the publishers are. It often required me to do extra Google searches of the company itself.

--Anindita Varshneya 02:55, 3 October 2016 (EDT)

Matthew R Allegretti

  1. Do you think that you found the 4 most relevant articles to your project? Why or why not?
    • No. Many of the articles are either supplemental and only helpful for some aspects of the project. I also feel that our project may be too broad in scope as it exists now, and it may need to be rethought.
  2. Do you feel confident that you could apply the information literacy skills you practiced in this assignment to other assignments, courses, or research projects. Why or why not?
    • Yes. My search methods became substantially more focused throughout this assignment. I could apply my ability to narrow my results to relevant articles in future research projects because I know how to search in order to find productive results.
  3. What did you find difficult or frustrating about this assignment?
    • Finding relevant articles that were published within the last 5 years and are available to access was quite difficult, as it seemed whenever two of those requirements were fulfilled, the other one was not.

Matthew R Allegretti 00:13, 4 October 2016 (EDT)

Mia Huddleston

  1. Do you think that you found the 4 most relevant articles to your project? Why or why not?
    • I am not sure I found the very most relevant articles to my own project as they more relate to the overall topic, but I had a hard time finding a lot of articles that specifically relate to our exact subject in the research project.
  2. Do you feel confident that you could apply the information literacy skills you practiced in this assignment to other assignments, courses, or research projects. Why or why not?
    • I feel that I have been taught how to use these databases many times and that each time it reiterates how to find the best articles better and better. I feel very confident in being able to find good articles for whatever topic I need in the future.
  3. What did you find difficult or frustrating about this assignment?
    • It could be difficult when you find the perfect article, but it is behind a paywall or is out of the timeframe needed for the project.

Mia Huddleston 17:21, 3 October 2016 (EDT)

Shivum Desai

  1. Do you think that you found the 4 most relevant articles to your project? Why or why not?
    • I probably did not find the four most relevant articles to my project because there are literally so many thousands of papers that have been written on HIV and all the different speific aspects of the disease, that it is impossible to be sure that I found the most relevant article to my project without having read every single paper ever written about HIV.
  2. Do you feel confident that you could apply the information literacy skills you practiced in this assignment to other assignments, courses, or research projects. Why or why not?
    • Yes I believe I can, mostly because I have applied these skills many times in my Bioethics course with Dr. Dahlqvist, so I believe I have a very good understanding of these information literacy skills.
  3. What did you find difficult or frustrating about this assignment?
    • The most frustrating part of this experiment to me was finding out if the journal was a for profit or non profit publisher.

Shivum A Desai 20:20, 3 October 2016 (EDT):

Will Fuchs

  1. Do you think that you found the 4 most relevant articles to your project? Why or why not?
    • I don't think I precisely hit the perfect acticles/review paper. I feel like I'm still a novice at using the plethora of databases and tools so really narrowing down the subjects into the ideal articles was difficult this time around. Although I still think that my references will be useful in some way during the project. I am optimistic towards any new attempts.
  2. Do you feel confident that you could apply the information literacy skills you practiced in this assignment to other assignments, courses, or research projects. Why or why not?
    • I definitely think that these skills will translate to other fields. I remeber such times when I was a freshmen tasked with finding certain atricles; it was not only difficult but tedious.
  3. What did you find difficult or frustrating about this assignment?
    • The most difficut and frustrating part of this assignment is the searching for the "perfect" article. I felt limited to what articles I had at my disposal with this inhibition. I continued to look for ideal articles and found some good but not perfect ones regardless. I don't want to feel like I'm settling but I needed to produce some relevent articles. That compromise bothers me.

William P Fuchs 20:54, 3 October 2016 (EDT)

Isai Lopez

  1. Do you think that you found the 4 most relevant articles to your project? Why or why not?
    • Not entirely, while the articles I found certainly apply to the project and will be useful, I did not spend too much time looking for relevant articles as I knew the bulk of the work would be in preparing the annotated bibliography and I wanted to use my time efficiently.
  2. Do you feel confident that you could apply the information literacy skills you practiced in this assignment to other assignments, courses, or research projects. Why or why not?
    • Absolutely, many classes will require you to create an annotated bibliography for reports and research projects, and I think with the information given in class I will be able to more efficiently and quickly find the articles that will be instrumental in guiding my research project.
  3. What did you find difficult or frustrating about this assignment?
    • Creating the annotated bibliography was easily the most tedious and drawn out segment of this assignment. Much of the information was either difficult to find, or just missing entirely. Collating it to one cohesive assignment was also a long process as there was so much information to put together onto one page.

Jordan T. Detamore

  1. Do you think that you found the 4 most relevant articles to your project? Why or why not?
    • Yes and No. I think I found articles that I can for sure use, however I do not know how exactly how I can use them yet on my project.
  2. Do you feel confident that you could apply the information literacy skills you practiced in this assignment to other assignments, courses, or research projects. Why or why not?
    • Absolutely. I feel very well versed in finding sources for research after this.
  3. What did you find difficult or frustrating about this assignment?
    • Just the tediousnes of finding the little details about the publishers and journals.