20.109(F11): old announcements
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Module 2
- T/R sequencing data with primer NO297 is available from GeneWiz. Check out order # 10-180460703.
- Newest sequencing results for T/R lab using primers NO282, 283, and 296 are available from Genewiz (look at order # 10-180371918). Reactions using the newest primer (NO297) will be sent on Monday and should be ready for you to look at on Tuesday.
- Extra office hours with Linda Sutliff are posted to her user page. Drop in or schedule a time--but try to take advantage of this resource!
- The M2D6 Talk page has a place to share your data in summary form. By sharing, we can look for trends in the class results.
- FINISHING UP MODULE 1: Your ppts should be back from Bevin at the start of next week, 11.7.11!
- Agi will hold office hours Monday and Thursday of next week from 2-3:30 pm in room 16-336.
- NK will hold office hours on Sunday 4PM in lab and on Thursday 11/10 at 11AM in lab.
- Primers that are available for sequencing can be found here.
- W/F sequencing data is now available. Note that you must log in as "astachow" rather than "nkuldell" (at mit...) and otherwise the M2D6 instructions apply.
- Agi's usual 2-3 pm office hours are today (in 16-319). All are welcome. W/F section, you can pick up your quizzes there, and must hand in any late lab notebooks by then.
- T/R sequencing data is available to examine on GENEWIZ site. Instructions for accessing data are detailed in M2D6 protocol.
- Breaking news: library concentration is 0.4 ug/ul. Sorry this wasn't on M2D3 originally (it is now!)
- Howard Silver's notes about references are linked to the schedule page for M2D5
- W/F data has been added to the M2D2 Talk page. I have left space for each team to note any irregularities (A420 out of linear range, realized you didn't mix cells well, Δt was really short, etc.) or other relevant information.
- Class b-gal data for the bacterial photography system is posted here
- Module 2 journal club sign-up is on the oral presentation guidelines page. You may sign up for Day 4 or Day 8 here.
Module 1
- Bevin will hold office hours on Tuesday the 11th from 10 until 11:30! Her office is on the 7th floor of Building 16.
- The T/R and W/F Flow Cytometry Data is posted. Use stats to analyze what's here. Whatever you decide to analyze statistically should be included in the figure/table that's in your ppt deck, and you should use data from T/R AND W/F labs. If there is data that you've discarded, it's important to say why.
- In preparation for the slide summary assignment, Agi will hold the following office hours next week: Monday, 4-5 pm (NOT 2-3 pm); Tuesday, 1-3 pm. Both sessions will be held in 16-336, and both lab section are welcome to attend.
- Agi has posted a correction to her Day 5 pre-lab notes on the Schedule page. One of the diagnostic digest banding patterns was incorrect. Thanks to folks in office hours for asking about it!
- Agi will hold office hours as usual today, from 2-3 pm in 16-319. Homeworks for the W/F section will be available. We will move to 16-336 if a lot of folks show up.
- The W/F diagnostic digests are posted here. Check out your data!!
- The T/R diagnostic digests are posted here. Check out your data!!
- Natalie will return the FNT cards from Thursday by noon Friday. Look for them in the mailbox outside her office door, 16-325. Any general comments or concerns will be emailed to the group.
- Natalie will hold office hours on Sunday...earlier than stated in lab though. 1-2 10/2 in 56-322 and Monday 3-4 in 16-325. Stop by if you have questions.
- Links to cloning animation and transformation animation
- Agi will hold office hours on Mondays, 2-3 in 16-319. All are welcome!
- Tuesday/Thursday Recovery Gels have been added to the wiki! Check out the M1D3 talk page
- Wednesday/Friday Recovery Gels have been added to the wiki! Check out the M1D3 talk page
- If you are having questions about logging in to the class blog, then please hold off on any posts (and definitely don't think you have to pay to get an account!!). We'll sort out the mechanics of this website next week.