Haynes Lab

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Our group uses synthetic, systems, and quantitative biology to engineer useful gene and protein-based biological devices and to deepen our understanding of molecular cell biology. We operate biological devices primarily in human/ mammalian cells. Accelerating the pace of therapeutic technologies (such as tissue regeneration and customizable protein-based drugs) via modular design is the grand challenge that shapes our research plans.


Synberc: Synthetic chromatin systems for cell development

  • David Barclay (BS), Jan Simper (BS), Theodore Kyriacou (BS)
  • Description: Designing a single-cell-level fluorescent reporter that tracks changes in epigenetic states in developing cells.

Editing synthetic genes using CRISPR

  • René Davis (Biological Design, PhD)
  • Description: Characterizing chromatin/CRISPR interactions. Re-engineering synthetic gene circuits in human cells using CRISPR.

Engineering synthetic chromatin transcription factors

  • Cameron Gardner (FURI, BS)
  • Description: Building and testing re-engineered versions of the "PcTF" synthetic chromatin protein/ transcription activator described in Haynes & Silver 2011.

Microbial communication with synthetic quorum sensing

  • René Davis (Biological Design, PhD), Ryan Muller (SOLUR, BS)
  • Description: Characterizing cross-talk between decoupled cell-cell communication systems from bacteria.

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