Yeo lab:links

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Online Resources

  1. The Jackson Lab - immunooncology/oncology
  2. ChEMBL, a manually curated database of bioactive molecules with drug-like properties
  3. When are mice considered old?
  4. AbCam CD cheatsheet
  5. BD Biosciences CD Marker handbook
  6. Youtube: How to select nanosimilar drugs
  7. BD Accuri™ C6 Flow Cytometer Optical Filter Guide
  8. Fluorescence spectrum viewer
  9. Sample size calculators
  10. Statistics for Biologists
  11. FDA excipient database
  12. cell line encyclopedia
  13. Presentation on presentation
  14. rpm to rcf converter
  15. ImageJ multicolor overlay
  16. Detection limits, ICH Guidelines
  17. Tumour immunology and immunotherapy
  18. Body surface area conversion chart
  19. Combosyn for analysis of drug synergism and IC50
  20. Ten Useful Tips for Writing a Successful Manuscript: For Beginners
  21. Commonly used metric system units, symbols, and prefixes
  22. The online royalty free public domain clip art
  23. Simulate NMR and MS
  24. Peptide charge calculator
  25. ExPASy Bioinformatics resource portal
  26. FDA Drug Approvals and Databases
  27. The Nanoman!
  28. Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS)
  29. ChemDraw site license
  30. Purdue Stores Catalog
  31. MSDS database at Purdue
  32. Solvent database
  33. Solvent miscibility chart
  34. Spectra/Por Dialysis tube catalog
  35. PubChem Search
  36. DrugBank
  37. Clnical Pharmacology InFormulary
  38. Invitrogen Fluorescence-SpectraViewer
  39. Table of Fluorochromes
  40. Unit Converter
  41. Buffer design
  42. The Anatomy of the Laboratory Mouse by Margaret J. Cook
  43. Clinical Trials
  44. NCI Tumor repository
  45. Histology Learning System


  1. Purdue Research Instrumentation Center
  2. Purdue Histology & Phenotyping Laboratory - PHPL
  3. Purdue NMR Service Request
  4. Purdue Life Science Microscopy facility: SEM, TEM, fluorescence microscope
  5. Purdue Cytometry laboratories: FACS, confocal, fluorescence microscope
  6. Purdue Materials Science and Engineering facilities: SEM, TEM

Science movie clips

  1. The inner life of the cell
  2. The inner life of the cell - full version
  3. Leukocyte rolling
  4. Leukocyte rolling 2
  5. RNA interference
  6. Tissue regeneration
  7. ABRAXANE Mechanism of action
  8. HHMI Biointeractive animations

Learn to wiki

  1. Simple editing examples
  2. Getting started with wiki
  3. Editing info
  4. Help forum

Purdue Links

  1. Purdue University
  2. Purdue IPPH
  3. Purdue BME

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