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Safety checklist
- ___ Located the eyewash and safety shower in RHPH G12.
- ___ Took online training for the Chemical Hygiene Plan at Purdue REM.
- ___ Bookmarked Purdue REM, and I know where I can find information I need.
- ___ Bookmarked the following manuals, and I know where I can find information:
- ___ Read Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) policy.
- ___ Read Emergency Procedures.
- ___ Read Sharps handling and waste handling procedure.
- ___ Took Biological safety training.
- ___ Took Handling Human Cell lines training and submitted training record to Dr. Yeo.
- ___ Took Bloodborne pathogen training held on Thursday afternoon.
To-do list
- ___ Post-docs and visiting scholars: Check in at the Business office (158) and the IPPH office (124).
- ___ Graduate students, visiting scholars, and post-docs: Get a key card at the Pharmacy storeroom to obtain key(s) to the lab/office.
- ___ All: Apply for a pharmacy computer account at College of Pharmacy Online account requests.
- Purchase the following items at the Pharmacy storeroom. Dr. Yeo will sign the Form 100 for you.
- ___ Lab coat
- ___ Safety glasses
- ___ Lab notebook
- It is recommended that you add your information at the Lab Members. Learn to wiki. It's simple.
Safety Rules in RHPH G12
- Labeling: Anything that leaves your bench MUST be labeled with your name. This means there should be nothing in incubators, refrigerators, freezers, or other common areas.
- Eating: There is to be NO eating or drinking in RHPH G12. Use the student lounge at G51 for lunch or break.
- MSDS Sheets: Our MSDS sheets are kept in the chemical cabinet.
- Personal Protective Equipment (lab coat, safety glasses, gloves, NO open toe shoes, NO short pants or skirt) should be used at all times you are doing experiments.
- Note: In general, safety glasses should be worn at all times. I understand that at times you work without them at your discretion. However, there is no exception in the following two situations:
- Operating/working close to spray-dryer: Be sure to wear goggles or safety glasses when you work close to the active spray-dryer. Those who are operating the spray dryer should wear goggles with a rubber seal around.
- Operating homogenizer: This is a machine spinning at high speed. It can splash liquid. There is also a possibility that some part of the shaft will come off and fly at really high speed.
Rules in RHPH
- Do not use the passenger elevator when you move anything related to experiments (this includes distilled water).
- Do not touch anything outside the lab with gloves on.
- For using MCMP equipment and facilities (including the water purifier, autoclaves, and handling compressed gas cylinders): Get training at College of Pharmacy tech support. You need to submit the training request.
- For using IPPH equipment and facilities, find individual personnel in charge and get approval/training.
Hazardous Waste Disposal
- Solids include needles, syringes, razor blades, scalpel blades, plastic tips, rigid plastic pipettes, glass slides, glass (include broken glass), Pasteur pipettes.
- Non-sharp solids include paper, gloves, and plastic.
- Sharp solids include glass, broken glass, and Pasteur pipettes.
- Needles and razor blades are separately collected from glass sharps. They will go to the red biomedical biohazard sharp containers (plastic).
General Sharps Waste
- All non-chemically contaminated sharps are disposed of in the designated sharps containers. Sharps generated on the bench can be collected in a separate waste container at your convenience, then finally disposed to the designated sharps containers.
- Non-sharp solids: to designated plastic container.
- Sharp solids: to designated glass container.
- Needles, razor blades: to the red biomedical biohazard sharp container (plastic).
- When full these containers should be sealed completely with heavy duty tapes.
- The sealed solid wastes should be left in the hallway (< 1 cube) or at the dock (> 1 cube) for pick-up.
Chemical Waste
- Liquids: All hazardous liquid waste must be labeled at the time when the waste is first put in the container. You must use the orange hazardous waste disposal labels (Fig 4.1) provide by the REM.
- Solids
- If it is possible to decontaminate using a cleaning agent, decontaminate the solids and handle as General Sharps Waste.
- If not decontaminatable, collect separately in a separate container. Chemically contaminated needles and razor blades should be collected in a separate plastic container. Call the REM for pick up.
- Empty containers: must be triple rinsed with a solvent capable of removing the original material and labeled with stickers (Fig 5.3) provide by the REM.
- When containers are full, label them with orange hazardous waste disposal labels, and schedule a waste pickup at Chemical pickup request.
Biohazard Waste
- Liquids (supernatant, media, cultures): Bleach for 10-20 minutes and pour down sink.
- Solids
I, ________________________, have read the above and understand the Safety rules and Waste disposal procedures.
Signature of New Researcher: __________________________________________________ Date: ___________