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Group News

54. Prof. Yao won the 2013 Asian Young Aerosol Scientist Award from Asian Aerosol Research Assembly, Dec 4 2013

53. Prof. Yao was appointed to be an Editorial Advisory Board member for the prestigious journal Atmospheric Environment in Nov 2013, and an editorial board member for Journal of Aerosol Science starting Jan 2014!

52. Prof. Yao was awarded tenure at Peking University in Nov 2013!

51. Dr. Maosheng Yao won the Marian Smoluchowski award in recognition of significant research contribution to aerosol science (Sept 4, 2013)!

50. Congrats to Wu Yan and Qi Chen for their graduation! Excellent job!

49. Dr. Chang-yu Wu from University of Florida visited our lab in April 2013

48. Dr. Yao was awarded the second prize for "People's Libration Army Scientific Technology Progress Award" in Dec 2012.

47. Dr. Yao was awarded another NSFC grant in August 2012!

46. Two papers (Wu yan's and Chen qi's) were published In Environmental Science and Technology in Feb-March 2012!

45. Our lab gave 10 (Ten) Platform Oral Presentations regarding bioaerosols at 7th Asian Aerosol Conference, Xi'an, August 17-22, 2011.

44. Prof. Sergey Grinshpun from University of Cincinnati visited our lab on August 12, 2011.

43. Our review paper "Bioaerosol Science, Technology and Engineering: Past, Present and Future" was accepted to Aerosol Science and Technology on May 30, 2011!

42. 组织负责申请了国家重点基础研究计划项目in April 2011!

41. Four national patents were submitted in Feb 2011!

40. 组织负责申请了国家高科863计划项目in December 2010!

39. Three papers at the same time were listed as Top 25 Hottest articles (top 8, top 10, top 11)in Journal of Aerosol Science, Sept 2010!

Three most downloaded papers

38. one article is listed as one of Top 10 most cited papers in Journal of Occupational & Environmental Hygiene!

37. Dr. Yao was awarded a National Science Foundation grant in August 2010!.

36. Three years' lab celebration! August 4, 2010

35. Dr. Yao gave two talks in Bioaerosol Symposium in AAAR in the US, Oct 2010

34. graduate student Shen Fangxia gave a talk at International Aerosol Conference held in Finland, August-Sept, 2010

33. Dr. Yao met Premier Wen Jiabao in 1st Korea-Japan-China Young Researcher Workshop on May 30, 2010

Yao in the symposium

32. Dr. Yao was awarded "The Fast Research Progress Award" by the College, December 2009!

31. Graduate student Wu Yan gave a talk at AAAR in the US, October 2009

30. Dr. Yao was invited to give a representative speech in 环境化学学科发展及人才培养战略研讨会held by NSFC in August, 2009

29. Congrats to three undergraduates: Guan Tianjia, Xie Chengqi and He qishuang for their graduations in July 2009!

28. Dr. Yao was invited to give a talk at China CDC, Beijing, July 2, 2009.

27. Dr. Yao gave a talk titled as "Bioaerosols and Human Health" in the "State 863 Enviornment and Health Technology and Strategy Symposium" on April 18, 2009.

26. Three papers were accepted for publication in well known journals in Feb 2009!

25. Dr. Yao gave a talk in the education session, International Symposium on Energy and Environment, McDonnell International Scholars Academy, Island Shangri-La ,Hong Kong, on December 8, 2008

24. Dr. Yao gave an invited talk in the education session, Symposium on Biological Contamination and Response in Public Establishments, China Centers for Diseases Prevention and Control, on December 5, 2008

23. Prof. Jordan Peccia from Yale University visited PKU Bioaerosol Laboratory during Dec 2-3, 2008

22. Dr. Yao gave a talk at Washington University in Saint Louis, October 17, 2008

21. Dr. Yao gave a platform talk regarding allergens and toxins at AAAR held in Orlando Florida, USA,Oct 20-24, 2008

20. Dr. Yao was awarded NSF Grant, Sept 5, 2008

19. Dr. Yao and his co-workers were awarded high-tech "863" project, August 29, 2008

18. Dr. Yao and his co-workers's work at Sichuan earthquake affected areas were highlighted by National Science Foundation of China, June 17, 2008

NSFC firstpage

17. Dr. Yao and his co-workers were awarded NSF emergence fund for the sichuan earthquake, May, 2008

16. Entire lab went to Sichuan for disease monitoring after the earthquake, May 21-June 9, 2008

15. Yao Lab @PKU "Symposium", Molecualr Techniques, Biological Exposure Assessment in Beijing, Iron Nanoparticles, March 22, 2008

14. Journal article is listed as Top 10 by Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology, November 2007

13. Dr. Yao gave a talk at Jiangsu Centers for Diseases Prevention and Control, Nanjing, Jiangsu, September 4, 2007

12. Joined PKU via "100 Scholar Program", August 6, 2007

11. Invited to give a seminar at University of Hawaii on April 23

10. Invited to give a seminar at Stony Brook University on April 18

9. Joined Prof. Jordan Peccia's BioTech Lab at Yale, Department of Chemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering Program, June 19, 2006

8. Honorable Mention for Dean's Research Excellence, New Brunswick Graduate School, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, May 2006

7. Successfully defended PhD thesis, Department of Environmental Sciences, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, April 11, 2006

6. Gave an invited talk in the School of Public Health, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, March 13-14, 2006

5. Gave two platform talks in the sessions of "Symposium: Aerosols and Homeland Security" and "Bioaerosols" at Annual Conference of American Association for Aerosol Research, October 17-21, Austin, Texas.

4. Department of Homeland Security approved greencard petition in view of outstanding research achievements and exceptional ability, July 12, 2005

3. Elected as the President of Rutgers Chinese Student & Scholar Association (RCSSA), May 2nd, 2005

2. Awarded national full member of Sigma Xi, The scientific Research Society , March 31, 2005

1. Contacted by news media from American Chemical Society for possible press release regaridng the article published in Environmental Science & Technology, March 29, 2005