X-Laboratory for Ion-Channel Engineering
Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Biomedical Engineering
School of Biological Science and Medical Engineering, Beihang University
From Scientific Discovery of Ion Channels to Engineering Design of Bioactuators and Biosensors
Principle Investigator: Xiaodong LIU, Ph.D. (刘晓冬)
Welcome to the X-Lab!
离子通道作为“生命系统中的晶体管”,通过调控胞内外离子动态交换等方式密切参与生命活动。本实验室主要关注离子通道及离子信号,尤其是钙离子通道(电压门控型CaV和瞬时受体电位型TRP)以及钙离子信号,深入理解 CaV1及TRPP激励-构象-门控-信号(Stimulus-Structure-Gating-Signaling)间的机制关联。 践行“分子生物医学工程”这一重要学科发展方向和趋势,本实验室秉承(生物医学)工程的理念和方法,致力于通过生物原理以及工程原理将生物元件、外源因子与兴奋性细胞膜相结合以重建/合成离子通道复合体的动态互作/组成及病/生理功能。上述的生物原件包括通道亚基、调制因子、信号蛋白和电解质等;常用的外源因子为小分子化合物、材料/力场、光电器件和计算机/单元等。 离子通道能够感知跨膜电压、离子信号、机械力及电磁辐射等多种模态外源性激励,这些非凡能力令人称奇,然而离子通道又是怎样在亚分子、分子及细胞水平上传感、转换及编码这些激励的能量和信息呢?综合运用电生理、生化、分子生物学及光学成像,以及生物物理建模、工程设计及分析等多种方法,我们以发现离子通道与离子信号的新机制、新现象和重要病生理为己任,同时基于离子通道开拓生物医学工程创新和物质世界新认知。
1) 钙通道/信号蛋白复合体结构-功能研究(CaV1及TRPP); 2) 钙振荡及特殊钙响应的功能及机制(CaV1及TRPP); 3)兴奋性细胞的可塑性:钙通道/钙信号活动依赖性的分子及细胞机制(CaV1); 4)利用这些基础研究的新进展,开发离子-通道相关的新工具、新方法和新仪器,催生新的发现,推动新的应用 (CaV1及TRPP)。
Our research has been in the field of ion channels and ionic signaling, mainly focusing on calcium channels (voltage-gated calcium channels CaV and transient receptor potential channels TRP) and calcium signaling. Major interests are on in-depth gating mechanisms in relation with cell signaling (the couplings of Stimulus-Structure-Gating-Signaling) for CaV1 and TRPP channels. We are particularly attracted by the amazing capabilities of the ion-channel system, curious about how exactly the stimuli (i.e., energy/information) are transduced or encoded at atomic (e.g., ions), molecular (e.g., proteins) and cellular (e.g., neurons) levels? The methodologies utilized in the lab include electrophysiology, optical imaging, molecular & structural biology, biophysical modeling, and engineering design & analysis. Our mission is to discover new phenotypes & mechanisms and key pathological relevance, meanwhile to develop de novo tools/methods based on our scientific discoveries. Exemplary projects currently being pursued by students/postdocs include:
Chronic Ca2+ imaging of cortical neurons with long-term expression of GCaMP-X (2022) GCaMP7-X plasmids are now available through addgene! pEGFP-N1-GCaMP7b-XC , ID: 178361 [1]. pEGFP-N1-GCaMP7b-XN , ID: 178362 [2].
DCT peptides plasmids are now available through addgene! NLS-CCTD , ID: 184325. NES-CCTD , ID: 184326. NLS-CCTC , ID: 184327. NES-CCTC , ID: 184328.
NOW GCaMP6-X plasmid is available through addgene! pEGFP-N1-GCaMP6m-XC , ID: 111543. pEGFP-N1-GCaMP6m-XN , ID: 118976. AAV-syn-GCaMP6m-XC , ID: 118975.
GCaMP-X相关质粒全球索取情况 (不完全统计,2020.2更新)
CMI-related plasmids are available through addgene!
于振同学顺利通过博士学位论文答辩,祝贺!并祝于振同学在北京大学第一医院工作顺利! 2024.8
张雯同学参加2024年中国生物学学会女性科学家论坛并获得优秀墙报奖 2024.3
X-Lab PhD student GENG Jinli has been selected as a Student Travel Award recipient to present the work at 2024 Biophysical Society Annual Meeting (Philadelphia USA), congratulations! 2024.22024.6
宾州州立大学(PSU)Donald Gill教授来访并作学术报告 2023.10
刘晓冬教授近日受聘担任:中国生物物理学会 钙信号分会 委员、中国生物医学工程学会 生物医学测量分会 副主任委员 2023.8
X-Lab耿金丽同学在2023IFMBE(苏州)会议上荣获青年优秀论文一等奖 2023.5
X-LAB博士生杨亚雄顺利通过博士论文答辩,并入选“中国博士后创新人才支持计划”,祝贺! 2018.5 2018博新计划公示名单
X-LAB杨亚雄、刘楠、何元源合作完成的工作在线发表于《Nature Communications》2018.4 Improved calcium sensor GCaMP-X overcomes the calcium channel perturbations induced by the calmodulin in GCaMP Tsinghua Med News
X-LAB博士生刘楠、杨亚雄、葛琳合作完成的工作在线发表于《eLife》2017.1 Cooperative and acute inhibition by multiple C-terminal motifs of L-type Ca2+ channels Tsinghua NEWS